pornoddio & diacylglycerol82 #sexist

Old incels are just repeating my old ideology of 3 years ago

My old ideology was about questioning patriarchy theory. I was the one that started this thing of calling it "patriarchy theory" and I started to ask for proof and a bulk of theory to discuss.

Good. But the incels are still quoting my ideas without developing anything new.

What a scam. I want people to create new ideologies, not to cope with ideologies of others, that's the point.


not to cope with ideologies of others,

But most of us either dont have the time or are too lazy to read multiple volumes of chicklit.

I dont disagree with the idea of patriarchy as male leadership, but its male leadership for serving and sacrificing for foids, so really it is matriarchy just the men are proud to be servants.

It is like the old working class who thought hard manual labor made them better than the rich and educated classes, it is a cope to justify your low position in society.

So masculinity is cope that femoids are superior and if we questioned this framework they would just abort us or abandon us after birth.

All male opposition to matriarchy is defeated by guys desperate for pussy or other guys defending women becuase they are currently getting pussy.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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