40 Year Old Boomer #pratt kiwifarms.net

My current gaming group is wonderful. Been playing with them now for close to five years and most of the core used to work at the same shitty job before we all moved on to superior employment. Age range of group has most in their late 20's/early 30's with me at the upper end and another guy in his early 20's at the lower. Every now then someone would bring in a random retard from work that just ended up filtering themselves.

Example One: This girl was a walking red flag complete with danger hair, problem glasses, questionable hygiene, and wouldn't stop talking about how her mom molested her (in detail). We were in the midst of an evil campaign and she made a drow. After fighting a beholder in a dungeon, we were ambushed by orcs while recovering and it was a pretty rough fight. Eventually out of the 15 or so that attacked, 5 were left and opted to surrender. When I stated my intent to execute them (playing a hobgoblin fighter) she started spazzing out and crying (I mean literal tears flowing) about how that was wrong. Laughed her out of the group.

Example 2: Black weeb chick from work gets invited. Actually seemed pretty cool at first, she was just chilling in the living room with everyone else while I was cooking burgers for everyone and then I heard a door slam just as I was finishing up. Went out to the living room and asked where she went. Turns out another new player (6'8" flaming gay mexican that I called Sassquatch because of how quippy he was) said nigga and she had a melt down and left. I gave him her burger and we all had a laugh again.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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