72hit #homophobia #sexist reddit.com

I heard that too, but from what I heard that YYH romance was minor (correct me if I'm wrong)

btw, look at how many times I've been downvoted lol. many people sure to like romance :p. However, I would like not to see any LGBT in HxH. normal romance is more or less fine hehe

LGBT romance is normal romance

LGBT one, well, whatever you call it... I don't prefer to see LGBT conents anyway.

Just like how there are people who can accept gay relationships.. there are people who can't. I'm from the later.

at the end, as a guy myself I can accept lesbian relationships more or less, but i can't bring myself to see gay action. that's all

trolling? Sorry, I see a misunderstanding here

I don't deny anyone interested in LGBT romance or such, nor denying the existing of such thing
I can't see all people willing to accept LGBT, nor can't see the exact opposite
Simply stating my opinion isn't trolling
My first comment was probably harsh? if so then my bad.. sorry
Overall, romance isn't my cup of tea
Overall, I hate gay relationship, that doesn't mean I heat who like such thing
As a straight guy, I can accept lesbian relationship. Is something wrong here?
Finally, I would like to say that aside from my first comment, I was talking in a manner that can be discussed. If you guys are going to downvote blindly and replay with such comment, then that's an entirely different thing.



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