Pope Francis scored a theological coup the other day, by stating that there is no Hell, and 'sinners' just cease to exist.
How do you know he's not wrong, Davey-boy...?!
Pascal's Wager just blew up in your own faces o fundie Christains. 'Teach the Controversy', don't forget.
Just as the Church of England realised - via a past head being as gay as they come - their own hypocrisy, re. same-sex marriage, thus their clergy peers dropped their opposition to such, therefore the 2013 Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Act, your own doctrines are falling apart: thus the C-of-E have to change: or die. Just as the Religious Reich in the US are dying after Roy Less late last year.
That reason why the Church of England changed their minds about S-SM: was all down to the source of their own doctrine: the KJV: whose authoriser was that past head of theirs.
There's an extremely good reason why it's referred to as the Queen James Bible.
Thus the C-of-E have to change. Perhaps that's why Pope Francis has changed RCC doctrine so drastically: and for the better in this way: because of a certain scandal re. their priests, especially in Ireland. Just like what happened to those like you of the Religious Reich.
And all because of Paedophiles not only allowed to exist; 'brushed under the carpet' a la the scandal in Ireland, but as late last year proved: condoned.
Josh Buggar. Roy Less.
What manner of right-wing Fundamentalist Christain scandal will it take for all of the likes of you to be forced to change? Or die. Or forced to become exactly like the Quakers or Unitarian Universalists: whichever's worse for you fundie Christains...?!
Kim Il-Davis was just the start in legislating fundieism like yours out of existence. Certainly bigotry.