Having sex is created first reproduction and second for pleasure. In a homosexual "couple" (if we can say couple),
- any two people together is a couple. So you may say couple. Don't be afraid of the word.
we may satisfy the second perpose but not the first.
How we will continue to exist on this earth if everybody becomes homosexual ???
- Do you have plans to move in that direction? Perhpas you are just waiting the right moment to declare yourself. But please don't be mistaken, the incidence of homosexual orientation in men is quite low - about one in 5 or 6. There is no danger that 'everyone' will become homosexual.
Despite, homosexuality is not form the man's nature. Can we find other animals having this behavior?
you may compare with dolphins, the only other creatures who have sex for pleasure, but they don't have this behavior
- Check your facts. Dolphins for life-long homosexual partnerships.
So you are transsexual. That's why I coudn't identify your sex even by zooming through your picture lol. But me you can see clearly that I'm a man, a true one. That's an other adventage for heterosexual ;)
- Er no. Sorry. You betray your sexism here. Only about half of heterosexuals are male. The rest are female. Or hadn't you noticed?
Ok, maybe you used more arguments because you need them to defend yourself but me I'm not really interested of this subject because I'm heter and we can't find any argument against that.
- Who's arguing, and why would they?
I learned that not being heterosexual is very bad, from my religion and I didn't try to find out why (except those arguments that I gave) because I trust my religion which never lies to me.
- So you haven't bothered to go any further than the Quran? It is a rather late document, formulated about 200 years after the death of the prophet Muhammad. Also it is from about 1200 years ago. What would it know about psychology and sexual orientation? But let me put it like this, if the prophet found it acceptable to marry an eight year old little girl, then there is certainly nothing wrong with adult men engaging in loving and consensual sex.
I think you heared aout Islam.
- B'ismillah ar Rahman, ar RaHiim! Aywah. Ana akallim b'ilArabiy bass kwayyis!
Maybe if I had time, I'll search for other arguments or you can do it by yourself, but believe me you have chosen the wrong way :(
- I know more Arab young men so starved for sex by the repressive nature of the places where they live that they regularly fuck among themselves, the older fucking the younger. And they crowd in on foreigners because they are less likely to feel guilty about it, and there is less danger of their parents being informed.
Now why not go and preach to some of those young men. And if you can't bring yourself to have sex with them, have a wank.
I fear that it's too late for you to go back :(