I am not the one militantly insisting Christian artists in business enter into contracts to produce artwork OBSESSED WITH celebrating the marriage made in feces.
... But since you insist I celebrate this anal masturbation of yours in special contracted artwork, please answer one simple question:
# Since the homosexual idea of intimacy involves fecal matter, do homosexuals get sexually aroused down-wind from the outhouse?
do homosexuals get sexually aroused down-wind from the outhouse?
It's amazing how one can use an adult vocabulary, yet have the thoughts of a six year old.
Another example of a fundie attempting to narrow homosexuality into nothing other than man-on-man buttfucking, hoping to condition their audience into having a Pavlovian reaction of "Fecal matter, EWWWW, *GROSS*!!" whenever they come across anything about the topic of homosexuality.
Is this the guy who has sent us the "charming" crapophilic pictures? He does seem OBSESSED with feces...
Most people practicing anal sex are heterosexuals, as there are many more heterosexuals than gays, lesbians and bisexuals.
Apparently lots of Catholic girls do this, as it (NSFW)keeps their hymen intact .
What is it with fundies who keep thinking that homosexuality = fecophilia? I mean, what the f*ck? How does that even compute?
Like Happy Atheist said, that's the exact equivalent of saying heterosexuality = urophilia.
Note, I'm straight myself, but even I think this is utter bullsheise and ridiculous.
Thinks himself to be clever with words. He is sadly mistaken.
Vocabulary: a solid A.
Maturity: third grade, which he is about to repeat.
That`s a rather shitty assumption on your part, phily. Also, where the fuck do you think you put yours exactly? Almost all sexual acts can be reduced to something vaguely disgusting involving bodily fluids. Using such idiotic reductions as an argument in itself demonstrates simply what a stupid little shit you are yourself.
"While pagan in their vulgar nature, the comments sure do state what sodomites are all about. " Commented Jerry the christian, as he took another delicious scoop of fecal matter and began to smear it with some enthusiasm all over his head.
Says the one who's as obsessed with 'Sodomites'* as the previous Freud-case Loony4Life.
*- Sodomites = citizens of the city of Sodom . Your 'Christian Bible' never states that any of that was going on; their & Gomorrah's only 'Sin'? Being uncivilised towards Lot & co.
Just keep proving you've never actually read your Bible: authorised by the gay Queen James I ; which doesn't condemn in that part of the Q JV David & Jonathan. His - and your - 'Lord' hanging around with twelve men ; two of whom were sailors . One of said twelve kissed him. Who told others to 'Love your fellow man '. He hardly associated with women, if ever (otherwise he would've had twelve female disciples, and married one), never had a girlfriend, and wore a dress .
Is there something your 'Lord' wants to tell us, Jerkiepoos?! Because one doesn't need to be Stevie Wonder - certainly re. your obsessions (also with your Q JV; don't forget who authorised your 'Christian Bible') - to read between the lines; remember what the OP, and you equate with those men who associate with other men...! [/Freud] >:D
No Jerko, you are the coprophiles.
And then Jerkoid performed 'Two Boys , One Cup' with the OP.
Don't forget: Gay king, thus Gay Bible, therefore Gay Lord ...!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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