Copexodius Maximus #sexist

Blackpill Gigachad makes every wife in area stare in lust (one of the most brootal blackpills)

My RedPill Experience on Vacation | Female Nature

When 6'5" athletic gigachad walked into the pool area, every single woman in the area turned her head. Most the women were with their husbands/boyfriends but that didn't stop them from just staring at him with pure lust. Their beta cuck husband probably worked their butts off for the family, but there's nothing he can ever do to compete with genetics.

Who do you think the wives would rather sleep with? The wives would probably do the most extreme sex acts with the gigachad and fuck him as many times she can in a day, while her husband barely gets sex maybe 2 times a week, and probably refuse him saying she is tired.

Genetics are everything, if you are not a Chad/gigachad, your life as a male is one full of humiliation and wageslaving for some woman who will never be into you. On top of all of this, the woman will fuck Chads on the side and try to get their baby because they have better looks/genetics.

If you are sub 8, there is nothing you can ever do to compensate for lack of chad genetics. This is just as a normie. Imagine how much worse it is as an incel. It is beyond over.



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