Carrots90 & pennygadget #transphobia

RE: Sex Reassignment Surgery Market Latest Trends, Size, Key Players, Revenue and Forecast 2028

( Carrots90 )
This will end well, I’m sure

Bill Gates doesn’t need to worry about overpopulation.

Society is literally supporting putting up our confused young people to get ‘spayed and neutered’

( pennygadget )

Society is literally supporting putting up our confused young people to get ‘spayed and neutered’

I can see the commercials now....

"You have a child who is acting too autistic or too gay? Please get them spayed or neutered today. Its the compassionate thing to do"

( Carrots90 )
Then they can have a commercial with Sarah McLachlan singing ‘In the Arms of an Angel” in the background for kids/people-who-identify-as-kids who need gender affirming procedures but can’t get them

“This is Cody. He needs a lifesaving teet yeeting. But his evil, transphobic parents are stopping him, asking him to at least first process the trauma he suffered when molested by the volleyball coach he thought he could trust. (It was odd, because this coach otherwise only molested girls. Cody, though afab, is a boy and was always a boy. We have no idea why Cody was targeted.)”

“This is Kumiko Wasabi. Though she has the support of her wonderful dad, Joe Smith, she unfortunately has a TERF mother, Rebecca Jones. The hateful, and likely jealous, Rebecca got the court to STOP Kumiko from having a wonderful and life affirming vagina installed, and ‘certain excess tissue’ removed. Rebecca was just throwing things to see what would stick. Unrelated and off topic accusations like ‘Joe would call him a f-g for liking dolls and Beyonce’ and ‘Joe beat him for kissing the neighbors son’.

“Now, we don’t condone violence, but many super protective fathers want to keep their daughters virtue intact-he is single, ladies”

“And lastly we have Veronica Sparkle Vag. She is a single mother who needs some big mommy milkers. The birthing parent took the kids out of state, leaving Miss SparkleVag has very little to live on. Per the divorce agreement, birthing parent has to pay 2 years of rent, but you can’t eat an apartment. All of the alimony Miss SparkleVag gets goes to just staying alive. She has to get food delivered since birthing parent used to do all the cooking and shopping. [...]



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