/Yes, I believe violence towards homosexuals is perfectly acceptable if they are making unwanted sexual advances./
As people have said before, if that's what you truly believe, then starting tomorrow, every woman who has been approached by a smirking hotshot who won't take "no" for an answer has the right to kick him where the sun doesn't shine and break his skull with a beer bottle for good measure. Or she could simply lash him to a fence and beat the heck out of him for hours before leaving him to die in the cold. Your choice.
/It maybe wrong to use violence,/
You just stated before that violence towards homosexuals is acceptable. Way to contradict yourself.
/but these homosexuals need to learn, "You're gay. I don't approve it, God doesn't approve of it, and you'll get yours sooner or later."/
No, you ignorant, repulsive bigots need to learn, "Some people are gay. You may not approve of it, your God may not approve of it, but get over it."
/Drastic times of rampant homosexuality require drastic measures./
Oh, shut the heck up. You aren't looking for delight, you're looking for an excuse to hurt homosexuals. What makes these times drastic are the failing economy, the war in Iraq, and our shoddy reputation in the world, NOT homosexuality. Get over yourself, you monster.