If evolution were true than why is it that those who support it only apply it to animals and not to plants. Are plants not alive too? How come plants have not evolved despite all the natural disasters and changes that the world has gone through?
muscle head, does it take that much effort to google "plant evolution"? Second hit is this website talking about the evolution of plants. Sixth hit is this site from Yale about teaching plant evolution, complete with a big bibliography.
Alternative bizarro universe. THEY DO APPLY TO PLANTS. Well, of course, the ape is the star of the show, and always be. Guess why.
Uh, we do apply it to plants... and fungi, slime-molds, and everything else living on earth... even you, muscle head.
Didn't this guy see Jurassic Park ? One of the main characters is a paleobotanist, specializing in extinct species of plants. And that's just one obvious pop-culture example of plant evolution being acknowledged; there's plenty more acknowledgment of plant evolution, and most of it much more authoritative, if he just looked.
Sure, animals (especially primates) tend to get most of the press on this topic, but plants certainly have evolved, too -- as I have known since I was, oh, 6 or 7 years old. How? I read books and went to school. Education is a wonderful thing.
I wonder how old Muscle Head is?
~David D.G.
Follow up:
@muscle head
In response to Mc Culloch who wrote back this:
"You might try to understand evolution before you attempt to criticize it"
>Evolution is a theory, not a law. This means that it hasn't been proven true; therefore, there is always room for criticism.
"Plants have evolved. So says every botanist who believes in evolution"
>Is this a matter of opinion or of facts?
"Evolution is a slow process. When environment change faster than evolution to keep up, things like extinctions happen."
>The balance of the earth's ecosystems and the relationships between species is impossile to explain under evolution's ever changing view. Without a clear plan and purpose for everything which is established by God, there cannot be an order among living things.
If evolution were true than why is it that those who support it only apply it to animals and not to plants.
Your question depends on a false premise and therefore cannot be answered.
Evolution is a theory, not a law. This means that it hasn't been proven true
Learn the definition of a scientific theory before you type. I can't guarantee you won't look like an idiot as a result, but it can't hurt.
Gotten your brain bashed in during arguments about animal evolution, so decided to switch to plants, eh? "Those damn evolutionists never saw this coming, heh, heh, heh. I'll talk about plants now. Oh, this will catch them off guard, hahaha."
I agreee, guys. Most apt username ever.
On the other hand, it is interesting to note that creationists hardly seem to be interested in plants at all, preferring to focus their arguments on animals, or more specifically, mammals.
I'd like to see that one of dad's pearls of wisdom, do you have a link?
Incidentally I've read fundies who claim plants aren't alive in a bablical sense anyway, as they have no blood (the blood is the life etc). It apparently accounts for how here was no death previous to the fall, despite every creature being herbivorous. If plants aren't alive, eating them can't kill them.
Ten seconds on Google.
You were saying?
Evolved defenses against herbivores
Roses - Thorns
Poison Ivy - Terrible rash
Hemlock - Just plain poisonous
Pitcher Plant - Carnivorous, with a lure
Skunk cabbage - Smells suspicously like skunk
So... anything else stupid you want to get out there?
he's asking questions, apparently without the bible or god in it. he might seriously just want to know.
but on the other hand.... most stupid question ever
according to the Bible , no , plants are not "alive".
However , plants do breathe so the Bible must be wrong. Plants also evolve as is shown by domestication and mans changes to plants to suit his own needs.
There’s this scene in Jurassic Park where the paleontologist is amazed at the plant leaf she’s found on the island, because it’s extinct.
But, no, plants don’t evolve.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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