Atheists are always so quick to point out that atheism is not a religion, but a lack thereof. I think you can pretty much apply that across the board: liberalism isn't a political ideology, but a lack thereof.
Also, acknowledging other non-Christ based religions in the name of "political correctness" is tantamount to admitting that there's a possibility that Christianity is incorrect. There isn't.
We've got the Bible - we win.
The bible is just a book, Jason. A book full of myths and BS.
Xianity shouldn't be a part of politics, PERIOD. It's impaired an already impaired mind. *coughdubyacough*
And the bible is real why? Oh that's right, because it says it is... how silly of me. Let me just get on my knees and cast off this feeble excuse of atheism that has shrouded my senses and clouded my judgment.
So by your reasoning, if I wrote a book about flying purple rabbits that taste like blue and smell of green, and write in the front that everything contained within is real, then obviously it must be true.
(ps, if you steal my story idea I won't be happy)
<< I think you can pretty much apply that across the board: liberalism isn't a political ideology, but a lack thereof. >>
You know, I love liberty almost as much as I resent politics. That's actually a kinda beautiful thought.
(If one can define liberalism as the ideology of liberty, not US political left wing.)
Cool, I've got a bible here somewhere. Does that mean I win too?
We are playing "Bible Bible Who's Got the Bible" right?
Just a question, dear troll. If the liberals didn't have such a political ideology, why such a waste of time building hospitals, social welfare and many necessary elements that make our society different from an authoritarian one?, moreover, why are those reconstructionist so furious, if they don't have political ideology?, nobody actually cares about charlatans such as Pat Buchanan or the KKK. Second, the Bible is not the only sacred book. Following your stupid logic, Muslims have the Koran, Hindus the Veddas, Jewish the Torah..............who wins now?
Actually, REFUSING to acknowledge other non-Christ based religions is a sign of weakness and a sign that the fundies believe that their God is a spineless wimp that can't stand up to a fair fight in the public forum. "Liberal Christians" are far STRONGER Christians than fundies and have faith in a far STRONGER God who can stand up to anybody else's God in debate or neutral discussion. Also since Christianity is a LIBERAL religion (you should read that Bible you have more and give up this idiotic notion that it is conservative, God tells us to "be liberal" in our dealings with our fellow man 7 times, to be conservative, ZERO times) you really need to try and apply that liberalism to dealing with your fellow man in politics to follow a Christ-like political ideology. Of course you are fundie so you talk a good game, but probably only read "fundie talking points" not your own Bible.
Oh my, the idiocy in that post is so telling.
Atheism means "without god". It is a lack of belief in God. It is a lack of religion.
Liberalism is believing in political liberties. It is not the absence of political restrictions.
Perhaps you need a dictionary, because your Bible is helping you much.
I have a copy of the Norse Sagas. I win MORE.
Why? Because Odin is hardcore. I mean, he hung himself from a tree and took out his own eye. That's a fuckin' god, right there.
If I might steal some dialogue from "A Few Good Men":
Well then...what do we have for the winners, judge? Well, for the fundie Christians, it's a life time of narrow-mindedness, blind obedience and bigotry! And, for Jason, that's right, it's mind-boggling arrogance and willfull ignorance! Yes, Jason will have a long and prosperous career teaching... typewriter maintenance at the Rocco Globbo School for Women! Thank you for playing "Should we or should we not listen to the advice of the galactically stupid!"
we've got the fossils
we've got the writing and handwriting analysis of your little anthology
we've got historical and geological data that contradicts half your beliefs
Go ahead, just TRY to pit your little storybook against reality. But try not to simply deny the results and scream "lalalala I can't hear you universe I was right and your arguments didn't win" like the rest of the idiots
Also, acknowledging other non-Mohammad based religions in the name of "political correctness" is tantamount to admitting that there's a possibility that Islam is incorrect. There isn't. We've got the Quran - we win.
Also, acknowledging other non-spaghetti based religions in the name of "political correctness" is tantamount to admitting that there's a possibility that Pastafarianism is incorrect. There isn't. We've got the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster - we win.
What a field day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singin' songs and carryin' signs
Mostly sayin', "hooray for our side"
Buffalo Springfield - "For What It's Worth" (1966)
Religious and philosophical tolerance is important, Jason. And, no, religion should NOT control the government. A person in control should see through clear eyes, not through religious eyes.
We have the constitution and treaty of tripoli. We win.
Jason, atheism, by linguistic definition, is the absence of religion. The A of atheism basically means 'naught' or 'without.' You lose at language. And everything else.
I don't see how acknowledging other religions is tantamount to admitting a possibility that Christianity is incorrect. People believe in wrong things all the time, and it only validates the right thing. I may not believe in Christianity anymore, but even I know the importance of an opposite to establish boundaries.
The diference between the Koran and all other "holy" texts is that the Koran is divine truth inspired by Allah, whereas the others were merely written by men.
Patatoe, Patato. They're all equally divinely inspired.
Yo have an ancient book inspired by God, and then added to, revised, and retranslated over a few millennia.
We have scientific evidence, looking at all factors with an honest point of view, double and triple checking each theory before it's even considered to be a possible fact.
We win.
"The difference between the Bible and any other "holy" text is that the Bible is the Divine Truth, inspired by the Word of God. All others were inspired by man."
Do you know why Christians say this? I mean, any at all? Here's a hint, it's not that verse that tells you to "study the word of God, because it is good and profitable". Believing that the Bible is the Truth because the Bible tells you so is a sign of inherent gullibility. It's akin to me telling you I am the King of England because I say so.
If you truly wish to understand WHERE that claim comes from, and WHY that claim is made, I suggest you remove your head from you ass, discard the anti-intellectualism embraced by you fools, and try some actually LEARNING.
True faith is not afraid of the test of fire, my friend. Never be afraid to put your faith to the test. If it fails, you didn't have true faith. If it suceeds, good job, maybe you will begin to understand what be a true Christian.
The word atheist does have two meanings: one who worships no gods, and one who believes no gods exist. Worshiping no gods and following no spiritual path is being without religion. Contending that no gods exist is, at the very least, a theological statement.
liberalism isn't a political ideology, but a lack thereof.
Liberalism isn't a lack of political ideology. It's just a lack of agreement with your political ideology.
Have you *read* the Bible, Jason? I mean, have you *really* read the Bible? Have you studied it closely? Because if you have, you would see that it is full of lies, fantasy, and contradictions.
Blood for the Blood God, Skulls for the skull throne- Khorne wins
I have a brain that i occasionally use (doesn't get much of a workout here) I win.
Also Jesus is regarded as a prophet in Islam and does form a basis of it so does that make Islam worthy of acknowledgement?
You folks are wasting your time. Jason here is NEVER going to get it into his thick head that Bible is a book , just as the Koran, the teachings of Confucius, Iliad, the Kalevi Poeg or the Vedas. That would actually require independent thinking of sorts.
I assume you've spent more time hitting yourself senseless with that bible than reading it, of course. Shame illiteracy is so prevalent these days.
Athena burst fully formed from her father Zeus's head, dressed in armor and holding sword and spear. Ancient Greece wins!
Not to mention they were smarter than you.
'And lo, Fish did declare to all that he was their God, for it is written by his holy fin.'
There's my scripture, do I win as well?
We've got the Qur'an - we win.
We've got the Enuma Elish - we win.
We've got the Dhammapada - we win.
We've got the Mahabharata - we win.
We've got the Bardo Thodol - we win.
We've got the Necronomicon - we win.
Arguments just as valid...
@ Splicer
It's "Jesus loves me this I know,
for the bible tells me so"
"Clang!!!(wrench jockey)"
Oookay, too much Bioshock for me.
Why is everyone bashing on Jason? I may not ever watch football, support a football team, or ever make a comment that even implies I care about football, but clearly I'm a huge football fan regardless!
"We've got the Bible - we win."
Now the Muslim crowd...
We've got the Quran - we win.
...and the Mormons...
We've got the Book of Mormon - we win.
Stupidity...It's contagious.
This whole statement is a complete failure. Jason, this complete lack of tolerance to other religions you mentioned has caused the the dark ages, witch hunts, the crusades, and my favorite the inquisition.
Language doesn't work that way. The prefix a- means "lack of". Like atypical, asexual, amoral, aseptic. Need I go on?
Theism is a belief in gods, therefore a-theism is a lack of belief in gods.
I don't acknowledge religions to be "politically correct", I do it to show respect for my fellow human beings.
The Aesir cult has Havamal - they win.
(Or rather, we don't have it any longer, just some fragments of it.)
Edit. Oh, oh, I just thought of one more:
I have a Bible AND a Qu'ran (and an Edda and the Illad and Odyssey too, btw) - I win.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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