ScareCro #fundie

ScareCro: 5 reasons people WILL FIGHT the flat-earth knowledge:

1. Brain effort – The brain will recognize this information will FORCE it to re-arrange and re-program several pieces of information it’s accumulated over the years. The brain will fight because this WILL require a high amount of mental effort, and the best way to avoid the effort is to avoid the information.

2. The ego problem – Due to a person’s ego, they’ll fight you and your new information, because they value their words over you and yours. They cannot accept that you might know such valuable truths, that they didn’t realize before, and in defense of their ego, they’ll disclaim your truths.

3. Selfishness – In many occasions, the person is so comfortable living the fast life that they don’t want to simply change their way of life, and couldn’t care less about what is happening in the world. They are too focused on themselves.

4. Psychologically dependent on our own version of the truth – This information is not easy to swallow; one cannot accept this information and go on with their lives in the same way. Most of the people are not ready to be unplugged and many of them are so inert, so dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. An example is in couples, sometimes one partner (husband/spouse) is so bad/violent/disrespectful, yet the other partner will not leave him/her because he/she is so dependent psychologically on them.

5. Refusal to accept that the system is cheating/lying to them – They believe and value the voice of the system; it has become the prime decider of their reality.

ScareCro: G?r?a?v?i?t?y? - Simple, objects that are heavier than the medium they are in "fall". Objects that are lighter than the medium they are in "rise". Objects with the same buoyancy as the medium they are in "float". No gravity, no sphere. Oceans don't curve into spinning ball.?

Beenjamin: Heavier elements, Iron, Nickel and Cobalt, fall downwards, and that pulls itself into a sphere. If gravity exists, it's just a simple equation to prove that the earth is a sphere. Also, do you believe other planets are flat? if not, that makes no sense. If so,explain Saturn's rings.?
6 months ago•

ScareCro: If a ball earth existed, this conversation wouldn't. Ball earth math is shot right out the window with videos like this, observable landmarks visible when they CLEARLY should be hidden behind a curve. The heliocentric model collapses when the scientific method is applied. As far as "planets" go, I see round lights in the sky just like you and everyone else. Does that mean you can land a "spaceship" on them and walk around? Nope. Does that mean because you see round lights in the sky that you live on a round light in the sky? Nope. If the pool balls are round, then by proxy the pool table must be too? Nope. The stars reset themselves and have done so since antiquity. There are sun and moon dials thousands of years old, still accurate to this day. The "argument" flat vs. ball is "won or lost" at curvature. Oceans don't curve around into a ball. You'll never observe or be able to measure that in our reality. Their math proves their math, when their math is applied to a ball earth, it fails.?

Beenjamin: If the earth was flat, we wouldn't be having this conversation, as there would be no comms satellites in orbit, and life itself wouldn't even have been able to properly develop. Planes would be unable to fly, and winds would be constant and extremely powerful. Please stop smoking weed all day long, and get your hippie ass to school. Kutabare.?

ScareCro: Oh silly boy, guess how much communication is carried through towers and cables. Actually, don't. Go look it up. If the earth were a ball, gyroscopes wouldn't work. And speaking of planes (air PLANE, notice anything?) Go look at your flight patterns on a ball vs flat earth. So, you're obviously a super noob with FE. You can continue the silly spinning ball fairy tale all ya want. No curve, no ball.?



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