David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

It is every believer's duty to stand uncompromisingly against the sin of homosexuality. Ephesians 5:11states ... "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." Homosexuality is a work of darkness, and God hates it. The Homosexual Movement is more of a threat to America than radical Islam. One big FACT that the news media failed to report about the Roman Catholic's problem with child-molesting priests is that nearly all of them are homosexuals. It is a FACT that homosexuals are far more likely to molest little children. Don't believe it? There's even a sicko organization called NAMBLA ... The North American Man-Boy Love Association—.

If taking an uncompromising stand against the sick and sinful practice of homosexuality makes me a "radical Christian," then I am proud to be one. If that makes homosexuals feel threatened, then so be it. Am I homophobic? You'd better believe it!



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