I was beaten frequently as a child and young teenager by my mother - usually for things my younger brother did. It took me twenty years to overcome the damage, to learn to stand up for myself, and I still near-panic in confrontational situations (though I've learned to put on a great act).
My younger brother later disowned the family (hardly any great loss!), and I live 80 miles away from my parents. I ring once a week so they can speak to their grandson, but we only see them once or twice a year. (They never see or speak to their other two grandchildren at all.) I can't say I hate my mother, but there's no love there either, and I will never forgive her.
As for our son - the only time he's ever been slapped was on the wrist after running out into the road without looking when he was 6, and that was an instinctive, frightened reaction on my part which I regretted as soon as I'd done it. However, it startled him so much he's never done it again, and is actually very good with roads and traffic now. Right from when he was very young we've always taken the time to explain, clearly and simply, why we tell him to do or not do certain things, so he knows the reason behind our 'rules', and he's always been encouraged to keep asking questions until he's satisfied with the answers. He's growing into a very bright, happy, self-confident, expressive and aware young man, unsaddled by the religious garbage I had to suffer as a child.
As for the original quote - I followed some of the links and was absolutely horrified by what I found. I can't understand why anyone would listen to this evil piece of shit. But then again, I simply can't understand the fundie mindset. And I was going to ask - Does America (the entity: I'm not suggesting that the vast bulk of Americans don't love their kids as much as we do over here) not care for its children? - but after watching that utterly vile and evil bastard you voted into power veto SCHIP improvement legislation I think the answer is clear.
I am very glad I don't live over there.