peace4ever #fundie #homophobia
1) They create families where no one in the family is related to each other and don't know their ancestors
2) Children of homosexual marriages have no clue what a husband and wife are and what each represents because it's arbitrary between each homosexual couple
3) Children of a homosexual marriage have only one gender role model so they have no clue how a man and a woman are to treat each other in an intimate relationship
4) Children of a homosexual marriage are programmed to believe that sex between people of the same sex is what they're supposed to do as adults since children look up to their parents.
5) Children of a homosexual marriage who have any inclinations toward homosexuality are thus given a license to experiment as adults when they wouldn't do so if society didn't embrace homosexuality. So homosexuality will keep increasing with each generation
6) Children of a homosexual marriage have zero ideas about what boundaries are between people since sex is the main reason that their parents want to be together in the first place. If the homosexual parents simply wanted to live together as room-mates, then there's no need for them to "marry" each other in the first place.
7)Children of homosexual marriages will thus grow up, not knowing how to relate to people of their own gender since they think it's okay to be sexually intimate with anyone.
8) Children of a homosexual marriage have no clue what a mother and father are or what each represents since the "mother" and "father are arbitrary between each couple. So who they call their mother and who they call their father becomes so confusing to them that it alienates them in society and causes irrevocable confusion about what parents are supposed to do and be.
For starters. Thus, homosexual marriage cause irreversible damage and confusion to the children in those families which creates even more confused people for the next generation. And all that damage just so two people can act on their lust. There can hardly be few things more selfish.