Rabbi Yehuda Levin #fundie #homophobia lifesitenews.com

A leading Rabbi says he is furious after Vice President Joseph Biden credited Jewish leaders last week for the success of same-sex 'marriage' in America.


"I'm mortified, I'm absolutely mortified," said Rabbi Yehuda Levin, spokesman for the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the U.S. and Canada, to LifeSiteNews.com.


Rabbi Levin called Biden's comments a "signal" that orthodox Jews "need to do a lot more to counter the religious consumer fraud of the liberal Jewish denominations that have totally lost their way."

"Unfortunately we have seen for several generations Jews who have totally lost their way. They've pigged out on Americana, on the freedom and liberty that America has afforded them, and they've gone to an extreme left, where they've created literally a pseudo religion," he said.

"These people are negating, they are spitting upon, their own great grandparents and progenitors all the way back to Sinai."

Levin said that homosexual acts are a "tremendously severe transgression" for orthodox Jews because such acts frustrate God's plan for sexuality and procreation.

"One of the greatest gifts God gives us is to be partner with him in creation. The closest we come to imitating him is conceiving and bringing into the world a child, and thus supplementing and complementing his creation," he said.

"What the homosexual does in effect is say: 'I'm not interested in being a partner with God, I reject this whole covenant, I want to use this [sexual act] selfishly just for my own pleasure'. Consequently it's a very very severe transgression."



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