Patrick Mcgean #quack #psycho #dunning-kruger

Thomas as a researcher of 47 years vaccines do cause autism, the heavy metals used as preservatives including mercury form amyloid plaque in the blood brain barrier. Same vaccine caused damage in seniors who present with Alzheimer’s. Can not slip past the blood brain barriet including oxygen because virologist are pedophiles with don’t
sue me rider to their research.
For Jane and Thomas the damage of radiation exposure, autism and Alzheimer’s can be reserved by sulfating the trash of man and those in white coats out of the biology of man, women, children but researchers like your self their is ho hope you know it all.
Be careful Thomas there are mothers out there who could hurt you for
for your expert ignorance. Visit Paul Offit on Facebook he holds your
opinion all the way to the bank.
Man causes autism, if necessary we will obliterate such men, and hang
all of the chemists as is the Judgement of Nuremberg.
The Cellular Matrix Study has 29 formerly autistic children whose mothers have their lives back and could be found in the bushes waiting
for Dr. Death Paul Offit to head home into harms way. Mother can buy
ropes and Pennsylvania has hanging trees.
The one percent ends on my watch, and not one tear shall be shed in their passing, good riddance.
Jane who knows it all, post this, any child can come back with eye contact, the beginning of communication and sulfur in the diet of mother and child.
Those who support vaccine are scardy cats and pedophiles. What we
do to pedophiles in the West is castrate them and we kick the living shit of them. Many have died but few compared to the damage done.
Those who screw with our children will soon under the Agents of the
Crystalline Matrix when we string you up with no pomp or circumstances. Pedophile deserve to die, we can help them to cease breathing. is for the mothers of vaccine damaged children who want their lives back and their child back, something Thomas believes is impossible because he is a researcher.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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