crew2 #sexist

[Serious] People disregard thugmaxing when they try to show us outliers

I always hear the old excuses of "well look at that guy he has a girlfriend" or "but Paul does fine with girls and he is bald/short/fat/ugly".

Might seem like a fair point on the surface but they always overlook the levels of sheer thuggery that these guys have to exude to get those girls which is usually off the charts. Throughout my life almost every single time I have seen a guy that has bad physical flaws of any kind yet does well with women it is because he is an absolute scumbag.

Seen a 7/10 foid from school the other week who puts across the whole nice girl from next door persona and met her new boyfriend and my first thought was 'why is she with him he looks like nothing special and looks like a fairly decent guy?'. Spoke to him for the first time for about a minute and he was trying to impress me with bullshit telling me how he fights every weekend and nobody fucks with him.

It is almost like some ugly features on a man become endearing as long as he is a full blown criminal/wannabee. That's another thing too, foids are easily conned by fake wannabee hardmen too whereas we could easily tell if they are full of shit or not.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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