Andrea Daley Utronebel, Joe Dixon, Newfoundlander #racist
Re: New Political Party in Samoa Proposes China Immigration Ban
(Andrea Daley Utronebel)
Great idea. What whites did to Hawaii is unconscionable. Diversity is the product of Imperialism. Hawaii used to belong to native Hawaiians. But white imperialists imposed Diversity on the natives by conquering and taking over territory. But whites did even worse by opening Hawaii to endless immigration. As a result the real native Hawaiians lost the land not only to whites but to Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, and everyone under the sun.
Long live Samoa. It should ban not only Chinese but whites. When whites take over a land, they use immigration to fill it up with the world. The natives lose out. Look at Latin America. Whites didn't just conquer the brown natives but brought over millions of Africans. So, brown natives lost out not only to whites but to blacks. And then, Latin elites even let in lots of Asians. Lots of Asians own huge plantations in Brazil and Peru.
(Joe Dixon)
If Whites had never colonized Hawaii, the Hawaiians would still be living in the stone age killing each other. If the Japanese had taken the islands, there would be no trace of the original inhabitants. They would've been bred out of existence or almost exterminated like the Japanese did to the Ainu in Hokkaido. The only thing that saved the Ainu were the Americans beating Japan in the war and introducing some more "liberal" ways of looking at indigenous peoples and their cultures. The Filipinos who were let in to work the sugar cane in Hawaii are the ancestors of the Polynesians and when they mix they produce more Polynesians. As for the Chinese and Japanese mixing with them, the result is offspring that aren't radically different from the original Polynesians. Whites have been very good to the original Hawaiians helping them to preserve their culture and even reserving an island for them to live on (Niihau) allowing them to live as they want. Not many Hawaiians would opt for this though, preferring the modern world's magic. What other race than whites would be kind enough to retain private ownership of an island (Niihau) and maintain it for over 100 years to preserve the culture of another race like the Scottish descended Robinsons have done? Here's the story of Niihau that's still privately owned today by the same family: https://www.portablepress.c...
Hawaii had a stable government before the US took it over. I don't know if it is better or worse now, but Hawaiians weren't like Abbos. They had a king and parliament and white nations recognised their sovereignty.
(Joe Dixon)
Hawaii had a kind of King or head chief but he was an absolute ruler. It wasn't until the first Europeans came along that a real government with a parliament was established. Did you know that the Hawaiians clubbed to death Captain Cook around 1778? He had a reputation for dealing fairly with the Hawaiian natives and had spent a number of winters there when he was exploring the western coasts of North America.
I was responding to the commenter above that claimed Hawaiians would still be living in the Stone Age if not for whites taking over. That obviously isn't true. Europeans obviously played a big role in Hawaii's development, and the indigenous monarchy relied on European settlers to help run things, but they had a pretty good thing going even before the US moved in.
Compare that to the indigenous in Australia; most of them are still not much better than they were before the Stone Age. They sexually abuse their own youth (this is the actual reason for the Northern Territory Intervention happened, not because whites had some hateful urge to destroy Aboriginal culture) and beat each other.
Polynesians are capable of running somewhat developed societies. The same is true of the Maori in New Zealand. Most of the indigenous peoples the British just conquered quite easily. The Maori, because they had a more developed society and were much better warriors than most the people the British came across, were actually made British subjects on equal grounds with the European settlers and New Zealand was officially a binational Anglo/Maori colony.
(Andrea Daley Utronebel)
But they would still own their island. Due to white immigration that led to Asian immigration, Hawaiians are minorities in their own homeland.
If you were a primitive white man, would you rather keep your homeland or be invaded by more civilized Chinese who give you medicine and stuff?
Given the current state of my country (Canada) I'm not sure Chinese annexation would be such a bad thing. Trudeau has made it law that people must be referred to by their preferred pronouns. I bet Xi Jinping would let me call Bruce Jenner 'he.'
(Andrea Daley Utronebel)
Chinese may be proud to be Chinese in China, but they are imitative and conformist dogs overseas. Notice that East Asians in US and Canada are among the biggest drones of PC. The fact is Chinese are coming to the West to GET AWAY from Chinese power. They want to be 'free' but fail to realize that freedom is dead in the West cuz of PC. As Chinese parents tell their kids to study hard and respect teachers, these kids will grow up to be super-pozzed.
Also, Chinese women want white men when they come to the West. As Chinese manhood gets no respect in the West, Chinese won't amount to much in the West.