darkbulb121,TheStarlightPrincess #conspiracy deviantart.com

darkbulb121: Yeah it sucks just like that over here in the U.S. Uncle Trump is greasing our asses for 5G. Over here in the US they're doing a 5G stealth installation under cover of Corona school closings.
Keep fighting the good fight sister.
TheStarlightPrincess: https://youtu.be/zFN5LUaqxOAbecome again when they return if there's antennas, towers there... I know, somehow the antenna/mast installers just don't seem to ever get sick and keep going and installing new base stations, no matter what, while the rest of the country is pretty much in chaos, hmm...

I must say a special thank you, I just had a very bad feeling when I went to bed yesterday for our government is about to take harder measures to restrict public movement, and it sometimes seems as though our words just reach the deaf ears. However, today morning I woke up not wanting to wake up to the cruel reality for the dream seemed better, but I forced myself out of bed anyhow remembering my mission, and reading your words brought new hope and strength in me. And I went and bought some street chalk and used that in several places to share the information, for we're short on leaflet copies and public copying places like libraries have been closed. And by writing on teh street I actually met a person who was well-informed about the world's wickedness in the first place and having similar ideologies and I got to tell her about the facebook group and share more info. So, thank you for your encouraging words, you truly made my day! We shall never give up, 'cause: https://www.deviantart.com/thestarlightprincess/art/You-Can-Watch-Us-Mock-Us-screenshot-829043392 !



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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