Gina Miller #wingnut #homophobia

When we sign up on Facebook, we should know that it is a company run by liberals. The young CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, is a leftist and known supporter of Barack Obama (or whatever his name is). That should tell you plenty about where his sympathies lie. Facebook's notorious censorship of conservatives and pro-family advocates comes as no surprise, although it's utterly detestable in a "free" society like ours is supposed to be. I have known people who have had their pro-life, pro-family pages deleted by Facebook without warning or explanation, including Americans for Truth About Homosexuality's Peter LaBarbera, who had his personal page deleted without reason or notification, although the reason was undoubtedly the iron fist of "political correctness," since Pete tells the truth about the immoral, unnatural and unhealthy behavior of homosexuality and its tyrannical, activist movement.


Meanwhile, I'll continue to use Facebook until its censors delete my page for containing soon-to-be-outlawed "hate speech," since I speak the truth about their beloved Dear Leader, his evil schemes and the vile agenda of the radical Left.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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