Dr.-AX9 Esq. PhD #wingnut #fundie nj.com
(Comments collected from the comment sections by user Dr.-AX9, Esq., PhD)
“in god we trust. everyone else pay in cash. especially if your name is trump.”
“Did he try to do what God wanted from him, or did he do what he himself wanted to do? Theres also something else he did, he repented for doing things he knew to be wrong.”
“you can have that opinion. I think Trump is the right man at the right time. Fighting back against the Leftist Democrat Party is something he seems well suited for.”
“ I've never seen anyone bow down before him.
I'm sorry you are so blind in your hatred, at least we've found a bit of common ground there.”
“ Do you think the Leftist Democrat Party hates Pence any less?
The only difference there is Pence, likely, would not fight back the way Trump does.
Thats the main thing I like about Trump, on a more personal level, I really don't care much for the guy.”
“on that you are correct, he likely didn't hold much of a political ideology. In fact, prior to becoming president I would guess he didn't understand much the difference between right or leftwing ideology.
In any case, I do consider his governing to be in line with many conservative ideas and they've done a great deal of good.
Is there something in particular you don't like that he's done?”
“I believe in justice, the Left believes in things like social justice, eco justice, etc.
Where exactly is common ground to be found bridging those ideas?”
“The Left believes that a persons feelings determine the reality of them being considered a m or f, even under the law.
The right believes it is, except for rare cases, a binary and biological distinction and recognized as such under the law.
How do you bring both sides together in something like that?”
“ impose what exactly, that there are two genders?
Sorry, but I can't even discuss the subject here... the Leftists in charge don't like the language.”
“cross dressing used to be criminal behavior. I'm by no means saying it should be considered as such. Just pointing out another example of criminal being normalized.”