Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger
Big John
16 March, 2025
Free Press! Is Ms. Atkinson joking? The "Press" in America has been bought, and paid for by the Democrat party. And, the "free press" was more than willing to do the bidding of their financial benefactors.
17 March, 2025
You are correct - the "free press" is nothing more than leftist ideologues spewing propaganda then clutching their pearls when they're caught lying.
17 March, 2025
Name them all *To response of Evokes comment “So why again does Trump have 20+ "news" outlets?”
Atticus Finch
16 March, 2025
Just because the liberal media hates Donald Trump doesn't mean you idiots should also blindly hate all of Trump's personal enemies. You don't know the histories. He probably screwed someone's wife at the Washington Post or the New York Times.
17 March, 2025
What free press? There ain't no such animal anymore, if there ever actually was such a thing. Closest thing to a "free press" is Youtube podcasts.