If you want to be Biblical, a believer does in fact have a “license to sin” (only in the sense that the gift of eternal life cannot be forfeited). No sin that a believer commits can ever jeopardize one's Eternal Security. To teach otherwise is to negate the gift of God and teach a false Gospel of self-righteousness. Salvation is the gift of God, based upon Christ's imputed righteousness to our account (and not any good of our own). We are saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8,9). Salvation is receiving, not giving.
No sin that a believer commits can ever jeopardize one's Eternal Security. To teach otherwise is to negate the gift of God and teach a false Gospel of self-righteousness.
Of course, according to the previous sentence, that's not a problem for your soul, either.
More predestination bullshit. It just makes your god look worse when he's just picking favorites eons before they were born, and saying "Hmm. I like this one. I think I'll keep it. These others can burn forever, and there's nothing they can do about it! The joke's on them!"
The sad part about all of this is that the Bible itself supports this view! David J. Stewart just may be one of the truest Christians alive. The Bible also dosen't condemn rape of a minor, so he's not a sinner in that regard.
So when Jesus told the prostitute at the well "Go and sin no more.", he was lying?
Well yeah. Because humans can't help but sin. That comes with free-will. Of course God is also known to violate free-will, so it's possible that he just altered reality and caused the prostitute to never sin again. But then if that's the case, why dosen't he simply do that with everybody? Then the Devil would be defeated, no one would sin, and no one would go to Hell! Oh, wait, there's that free-will bit, which excuses God from any wrongdoing. But then there are mentions of God selecting certain people to be saved no matter what, and some people to be damned no matter what. If you were born one of the Elect, is there really any possibility of you not being saved? If you were born the Antichrist, you're pretty much destined to be evil and go to Hell, and there's nothing you can do to alter it. The mental gymnastics required to believe all of this is amazing.
If you want to be Biblical, a believer does in fact have a “license to sin” (only in the sense that the gift of eternal life cannot be forfeited)
So in other words: 'OSA S'. Jonathan Edwards.
Your move.
Okay, then. You're right, Davey-boy. I admit I'm a hopeless sinner and I believe that the lord Jesus Christ died for my sins and is my saviour...
...and now I do a Jonathan Edwards : recant of my beliefs & faith, and become an Atheist. And as I am Saved: I always will be, no matter what , now I have my own Licence to Sin.
Disagree Davey-boy, and from 1 to burning in the Lake O'Fire, how fucked are you ...?! >:D
Quite the paradox my... conversion, then recanting of my beliefs represents to your own 'Get out of Hell free Card' eh...?!
Then stop complaining about uppity women in pants, Taylor Swift, Rock music and fast food jingles, man! If they all go "JESUS!" then it doesn't matter.
Now relax; Shut down your websites, rub one out over Swift and TAKE A CHILL PILL!!
This is the teaching in fundamentalism. It's obvious they believe they have promised paradise and are wanton law breakers and deviants BECAUSE OF that teaching. Dave's just outright stating (in reply to a hopeful convert and contributer?) that his religious brand frees you from laws of the land, It IS one of the biggest draws to Fundamentalism.
If you want to be Biblical
Nah, I'm good.
Wrong again sleeze breath.
Mark 3:28-29 "Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.”
Do you think someone who spouts constantly about the Bible might actually read it one day?
I'm now envisioning DJS trying to battle a Latin American drug cartel run by one of the evil Fratelli Brothers and a very young and super-pretty 21-year-old kiddo henchman Benicio del Toro....
....and failing miserably....
....SHARK: *NOMNOMNOMNOM*" (Pretend Felix Leiter, here, is DJS)....
....A pet iguana....
....and a pet Prettyboy, however....
image image
....*...pet pet...HoYay...pet...petting prettyboy...pet pet...(Yes; I 'ship' them)...pet...*
This post was also another excuse to post pics of Benicio del Toro as a super-cute youngster. I have a thing for Baby-Beni. I could care less for his oeuvre but young Beni of the 80s and 90s was a babe!....
image image
I do confess that, while present-day Benicio looks kind weird, I do have a weird crush on DJ the Space-Hacker....
....I just have a soft-spot for the giant sloppy stuttering goober.
So....how does this fit with the post about never leaving an abusive spouse?
If I'm saved, I'm saved for ever. if my spouse is abusive, and I leave her, I'm still going to Heaven. Nothing wrong with my CHARACTER, because I'm still heaven-bound.
Of course, if I'm saved, and I then become abusive, I'm still heaven bound... Even if I beat the wife to Death... Because while I'm spattered with her blood, I'm also washed in the Blood of the Lamb.
praise god and pass the baseball bat...
IF and only IF you’re actually saved.
You don’t have any way to know that God has granted you salvation.
There are things listed in the Bible that it says will definitely prevent you from entering Heaven.
And the phrase is not ’It’s easier for a camel…needle, than for a rich man WHO HAS NEVER BEEN SAVED to get into Heaven…”
So it’s possible an omniscient God knew at the time of your birth, your baptism, whatever, that you were going to commit murder, abortion, dancing, name-calling, get a tattoo, vote Democrat, or win the lottery and become a rich man,
…and withheld His grace. Otherwise, you cannot bitch about what Taylor Swift does, if she was a believing Christain before she started earnign money as a pop star.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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