Peter LaBarbera #fundie #homophobia

Dear AFTAH Supporter,

The following is an appeal for funds and prayers by Jennifer Coutlee–an Indiana woman and Christian mother of three who is living the ultimate marital nightmare: her husband of 17 years, Wyatt, engaged in secret, adulterous sodomies with other men before finally announcing his homosexuality to her under compulsion of his male lover. Now she has to endure a situation in which her 12-year-old Autistic son is forced to spend time in his dad’s household with the homosexual male lover present. Jennifer has created an online “crowdfunding” site to help her in her legal battles ahead to protect her children.

If your heart is not moved by this tragedy, check your pulse. Let’s band together to raise a few thousand dollars–or many thousands of dollars!–to help this brave and determined woman protect the safety and innocence of her children. Please read this letter and go to Jennifer’s funding site and give what you can. If you cannot donate, pray for her. This is a side of the “gay” activist movement that the media rarely report on honestly–how the pursuit of sexual perversion and immoral relationships breaks up families and puts children at risk.

The media love “gay” victims, but the victims of selfish homosexuals?–not so much. And we all know that a sizable portion of people who read Jennifer’s letter will make some sort of excuse for Wyatt, the homosexually adulterous husband, on the grounds that he “discovered his gay self” —”who he really is,” or some pathetic variation of these. (Remember homosexual adulterer and New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey’s self-serving “I am a gay American” speech?) In the end, homosexualism is merely another indulgence of sinful self over God–and it is at war with the natural family.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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