various commenters #transphobia

Maine pushes to become 'transgender safe haven' where minors can receive sex-change surgery and can't be returned to their parents - as outraged community leaders try to slow efforts | Daily Mail Online

( ProfTerfMom )
Rep. Katrina Smith (R-Palermo) said: 'The state should never place itself above a loving parent and irreparably destroy the reproductive health of a minor child.'

Why isn't this common sense???

It terrifies me that any adult believes it is ok to give minors drugs and surgery based on what is essentially a self-diagnosis. The implications (and complications) will affect these kids for the rest of their shortened lives.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Right? Many of these detransitioner stories are them deciding to be "trans" as kids or teenagers and regretting it in their 20s. These kids didn't even get to reach adulthood normally. They'll be mentally and physically fucked for life. "Gender affirming care" is so evil.

( RusticTroglodyte )

The 'Act to Safeguard Gender Affirming Health Care' would enable certain out-of-state teens to access hormone blockers or surgery without their parents' consent regardless of their own state's laws

Do they fucking hear themselves???

Aside from the permanent medical damage these kids will endure, the foster care system and orphanage (group home) system is rife with abuse. This is brilliant: take vulnerable children with low self esteem, remove them from their support systems and primary caregivers, and put them in the system hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Nothing could possibly go wrong with that. I'm sure none of these sexually confused children will be preyed upon

( OxyToxin )
So you want to trade a reputation for delicious blueberries and lobster for the title of pedophile Mecca? Jealous of California getting so much attention?

These people are deranged.



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