pizza with hot pepper #racist

“The Negro is a phobogenic object.”

But it would be wrong to blame the media for this perception of blacks.

For most of American history, blacks were depicted as either docile Negroes(overly idealized) or as funny caricatures munching on watermelons. Neither was threatening. Sure, there were stuff like Birth of a Nation, but they were the exceptions, especially as Hollywood was ruled by yanomanos. Black characters are mostly kindly and likable in Gone with the Wind. There was then noble negro bellowing ‘ole man river’ in Showboat. And there were plenty of funny black stereotypes that presented blacks as childlike clowns–like Harpo in Marx Brothers though with less wit.

Also, after Jack Johnson scared white folks half to death, the media and sports industry went out of their way to build up the image of the dignified negro. Joe Louis the brown bomber was coached to be ‘gentle’. You’d think he didn’t mean to knock them all them white boys. He just stuck out his fist but white boys bumped into them, and he didn’t know what to do but say, “dang I is sorry”.
And there was the Jackie Robinson cult.

Look at most movies about crime in the 1970s–height of black mayhem in urban areas–, and Hollywood made most of the thugs out to be white. If you go by DEATH WISH, NY was mostly terrorized by white trash and swarthy looking ethnics. In DEATH WISH III, urban thugs are led by some multi-color-haired ‘Aryan’ type.
Rocky movies had people fantasize that Rocky Marciano was back and whupping all the Negroes.

If anything, Western media went out of its way to tone down the black physical threat.
But the image-of-black-physical-threat lingered because of a little thing called REALITY.

I personally grew up watching all those PBS docs about civil rights and about how race is just a ‘myth’. I took all those classes where the teacher and textbooks told us of evils of ‘racism’ and blah blah blah. But reality was something I had to reckon with(even against my will as I’d really and truly come to believe in all the hogwash fed to me in school and on PBS). Non-blacks flee from black areas because blacks are rowdier, more aggressive, more out-of-control, stronger, tougher, and nastier. It’s the truth.

I–and many honest people, including liberals–think this way because I’d rather be honest with reality than cowardly with PC.

If anything, the media have gone out of its way to cover up stories of black crime, thuggery, rape, and mayhem— all the while distorting, spinning, and sensationalizing stories where blacks are supposedly the ‘victims’. When twenty plus blacks raped a 11 yr Mexican girl in Texas, the media said ‘Texans’ did it.
Whatever one thinks of Zimmerman, he was a pudgy mestizo who got whupped by a much taller and bigger black kid, but the media put forth a narrative of an angelic black ‘child armed with only a bag of skittles’ shot down by a towering ‘white southern male’.
(Sometimes, I wonder if white libs peddle such silly notions–harking back to Civil Rights days–because it makes them feel powerful. As white libs are helpless to do anything about real black violence and crime, spinning such narratives creates the illusion that they are still powerful whites with the decency to care and weep about helpless black children who are still being victimized by white ‘racism’. Similarly, the likes of John McCain and John Bolton prefer to believe that they are strong powerful white knight warriors working tirelessly to protect helpless yanomanos from all-powerful Palestinians, Iranians, Syrians, and Russians. If you’re powerless before something, spin the narrative so as to make believe you have power over it and are working to protect the poor thing from dangers–even though what you’re really doing is serving as its running dog.)

If black bodies are ‘phobogenic’, it’s not because but in spite of the media and mass education. The media, education, and government have been telling us forever that we are all equal, but in the streets and public places, it’s obvious as day that bigger/stronger Negroes do indeed cause lots of mayhem.

The power of media is considerable but it’s not total. Entertainment has given us lots of movies about invincible Asian kung fu masters, but most people don’t fear Asians because in the real world, they know that most Asians are scrawny and a physical threat to no one.
I mean who finds Asian bodies ‘phobogenic’?



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