porn is sin... what happens between a man and a woman is to be between them only , and that is to be behind closed doors, not on film....
do what you want, abuse you're bodies but when you're screaming in the fire of hell dont say I didint warn you to stop... seek help now while you got a chance to change...
"...what happens between a man and a woman is to be between them only..."
A pleasant thought.
What happens between a man and a man, on the other hand is a matter of great religious, political and medical importance, and should be policed wherever possible.
Ok, I'm as anti-porn as the next Domestic Abuse Victim's Advocate and feminist - but, shut-up Carl. There are far better and far more logical reasons to be against porn than the "booga boooga" agrument.
Following your logic, they shouldn´t marry, or being judged for being single parents, or going to the gynecologist and andrologist, or watching romantic movies, or reading books.........well, you know. If your sexual life shouldn´t be publisised, be consequent at least. And by the way, don't you realise that porn is totally faked, that they're not really making love?. So yes, intimity is right, when there is really something to preserve.
Y'know, there's nothing wrong with porn, as long as it involves consenting adults.
Some couples even make their own videos, to watch later.
You just don't like it because
a) you can't get laid, and/or
b) porn gives you feelings that you relate to guilt, due to indoctrination.
what happens between a man and a woman is to be between them only
Unless they're unmarried, under 18, of different races or religions, or doing it for a purpose other than procreation. Then it's imperative for everyone to stick their noses into their business.
Okay, see, the people on it give their consent to be in it, they are supposed to be of legal age, and you, Carl, are probably looking at it. So where's the sin?
Listen Carl, it's none of anybody's business what goes on in private between five consenting adults and a goat*. And if they choose to film it and others choose to watch then what's the problem?
*Okay, maybe the Humane Society can say something...
There's no light over inside a fundie's eyes
There's no light....If thee was, I'd be surprised
There's no light, no liiight, in a fundie's depressing, nonexistant life...
It's all talking about heck and telling us how to live our lives, and yet we're supposed to believe they have hope!
You were so close in that first line, Carl. So very, very close.
What a man and a women do behind closed doors is there business. Same as with a man and a man, a woman and a woman, or, hell, a woman, a man, a fire hydrant and a whole circus troupe. None of your business. Not even if they want to tape it. Deal with it. Go feed the poor. Do something meaningful with your life, rather than pressing your ear to the floorboards.
"porn is sin... what happens between a man and a woman is to be between them only , and that is to be behind closed doors, not on film...."
Unless they are not married, using a condom or having anything that isn't passionless "insert tab A into slot B" vaginal for the express purpose of having a baby.
"do what you want, abuse you're bodies but when you're screaming in the fire of hell dont say I didint warn you to stop... seek help now while you got a chance to change..."
If it means giving up porn, no.
Does that include the Song of Songs?
In case you didn't know Carl, its in the bible.
Oh, and in case you didn't know, its also some seriously steamy stuff.
“porn is sin..”
How do you mean?
Creating it? Acting in it?
Watching it?
Sharing it?
What if it’s the ONLY WAY you can have successful sex? Which would be the only way you could successfully multiply as we’re commanded?
and waht tells you this?
"what happens between a man and a woman is to be between them only”
THen why does their wedding require witnesses? Why an officiant? My committment to my wife is between me and her alone, as you say. There were 50 people at our wedding. That’s a sin, you say?
"and that is to be behind closed doors, not on film....”
Curious where Scripture tells you about the purpose and sin of film.
“do what you want, abuse you're bodies but when you're screaming in the fire of hell dont say I didint warn you to stop...”
You said it, but i don’t find you to be a credible source of advice. You believe in gods, and I don’t. You believe in sin and I don’t.
You offer no evidence fo rany of this, just the usual threat “Do what I say or burn!”
“seek help now while you got a chance to change...”
What makes porn a sin, though?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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