mgtow #sexist

RE: [Soy] "At what stage does a bull eventually become her boyfriend?"

I hate this degeneracy were witnessing. There are boomers who are still unaware of dating today and think I'm the "weird one" for being wifeless and childless at 42.

Married men out there are putting up with deadbedrooms, being the cuck at various levels, and raking their brains out to stay in the marriage. How is that not 'weird' - the red pill question is just that: Was so(y)ciety cucked right from the beginning? Or it happened eventually beginning with female 'liberation' which is 'all benefits and a lot more, without any accountability'.

With the female animal getting more and more privileged to do everything and still be cheered with ''you go girl, explore it all, one life, live each moment'' as a take on the patriarchy ( = a stable, functioning civilization) the degeneracy amplified and the results are out to see.

What irks me is that the subhumans still believe they can ascend - the blue pill dream fed to them through movies like 'the notebook' and they keep supporting civilization and foids through taxes and the recent onlyfans. It's them who are going to get hit hard as they age into their 40s without getting any. On the other end would be roasties who getting no swipe from chad and who can't pretend to like a careermaxed subhuman, nowhere to go but to deal with it through SSRI and alcohol would have the same end. Except that men rope from lack of sexual experience and foids from having too much of it.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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