Dr. Michael Brown #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com
[The Chicago Theological Seminary, a LGBT-inclusive seminary, had openly gay professor Ken Stone give a pro-LGBT speech in commemoration of its 150th anniversary. It also handed out some condoms for a pride event.]
In the case of this seminary, which has long departed from biblical foundations, there's another lesson we can learn, namely that the embrace of homosexual practice is not so much an advance in "tolerance" as much as it is a plunge into sexual anarchy, as demonstrated by the condom distribution event.
This is a major point I make in my forthcoming book Outlasting the Gay Revolution: Where Homosexual Activism is Really Going and How to Turn the Tide.
There I note that:
"We are more accepting of homosexuality today because our sexual morals our lower, not because we are more enlightened. Put another way, the gay revolution is not the successor of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s; it is the successor of the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Getting a grasp on this, we get a grasp on where our culture is really headed, helping us recognize that our embrace of homosexuality (even the more committed, less promiscuous kind) is part of our larger descent into sexual anarchy."
This means that what is happening at Chicago Theological Seminary is not taking place in a moral and spiritual vacuum. Instead, all these branches of sexual anarchy go back to the same root, namely, the rejection of spiritual authority. We think we know better than God!
To repeat: Contemporary America's embrace of homosexual practice is part and parcel of America's descent into sexual anarchy, which not only includes the full embrace of fornication, cohabitation, and having kids out of wedlock, but the celebration of polygamy, polyamory, and "swinging" on reality TV, not to mention nude dating shows and the like.
The good news (which forms Principle #3 in Outlasting the Gay Revolution) is that "Sexual Purity Trumps Sexual Anarchy," and if we walk in holiness and live in purity, by God's grace and empowerment, we and our families will thrive while those who participate in the culture of sexual anarchy will gradually defeat themselves.
As for Chicago Theological Seminary, one thing they will not do is produce world-changing disciples of Jesus, unless they make a truly radical course correction.
Stranger things have happened, have they not?