Hunter Wallace #racist
While The Negrophiles Ruled —
While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..Our 45 year old Georgia state flag was changed, dishonoring the Confederate soldiers it was designed to honor.
While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..The battle flag was removed from South Carolina’s state house under threat of boycott, and placed at a Confederate Soldier’s monument. The boycott continues as the NAACP says they are still offended.
While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..Confederate flags have been removed and banned from display at many Confederate soldier gravesites.
While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..The Southern song and tune “Dixie” has fallen silent, and has been banned from our schools and colleges.
While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..The Confederate battle-flag has been taken out of the hands of Ole Miss Rebel football fans because the football coach said it hurt his recruiting efforts.
While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..T-shirts honoring Southern heroes that include the banner under which they fought has been banned from many schools throughout the South.
While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..Employees of some large corporations have been told that vehicles with bumper stickers displaying the battle-flag were not allowed in the company parking lot.
While The Negrophiles Ruled ———.. Bell South has banned any likeness of the Confederate battle-flag from business ads in their yellow pages.
While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..The “Confederate Naval Museum” in Columbus was renamed the “Civil War Naval Museum”.
While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..The Confederate Rose was renamed to the Cherokee Rose.
While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..Under pressure from corporate sponsors the “Confederate Air Force” was renamed. It is now the “Memorial Air Force”.
While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..The University of Georgia’s “Dixie Redcoat Band” no longer plays “Dixie” and they are no longer called the “Dixie Redcoat Band”.
While The Negrophiles Ruled ———..Former Texas Governor George W. Bush appeased the NAACP by removing a Confederate plaque from the Texas Supreme Court building which had been built from funds set aside for Texas Confederate Veterans. The plaque was placed there in the early 1900's to honor the Confederate soldiers who died defending Texas.