Mack Major #fundie #mammon
Something big is happening with Chicago. Keep your eyes on it, and pray that God's will be brought into full manifestation. In this video clip a meteor was seen falling over the city just one day ago.
In the Bible stars are angelic beings. And falling meteors or falling stars are angelic beings and principalities that have been evicted and lost their position of power and influence in the heavenly places.
The heavenly places are higher parallel dimensions that coexist alongside our own, that have a direct influence over the affairs of Earth. (I talk more about this in my ebook BRAND AMBASSADORS FOR JESUS. Download info is in comment section.)
For instance: When Daniel prayed to know the future of Israel, the answer to his prayer was delayed by higher dimensional beings in the heavenlies. The Bible called them the Prince of Persia and the Prince of Greece.
Don't think in terms of just two spiritual beings: these were princes. Meaning they rule over their own realms in the parallel spiritual universe, having their own armies too.
One of God's own arch-angels came to deliver the answer to Daniel's prayer as soon as he prayed: but he was held up and detained by the evil spiritual beings in that dimension for three weeks.
The angel had to call on one of Heaven's mightiest champions - Michael - for assistance. Whenever Michael shows up in the Bible, he typically has an army with him. *see Revelation 12:7
This was a spiritual war taking place in the heavenlies. They were literally engaged in angelic battle over the future of Israel, which is what Daniel was praying for. Which brings me to the point of this post.
I think this meteor sighting over Chicago is a sign that something significant just shifted over the Windy City in the heavenly dimension. Something powerful just fell or lost its place up there.
This is interesting since Chicago has been in the news a lot lately, particularly since President Trump has made it clear that he intends to see the rampant violence in many Chicago neighborhoods come to an end.
One of the men on his transition team, Pastor Darrell Scott came under fire just last week when he mentioned that former gang members from Chicago reached out to him seeking intervention from the President to help end the street violence there.
I applaud Pastor Scott and all others who are working with the President to make all US cities better and safer for their residents.
There are some who don't want this violence to end; mostly for political reasons. But God's people have been praying and God has been listening. And the prayers of God's saints will always trump the plans of the wicked. (No pun intended.)
Another sign or portent that things are changing for the better for Chicago: Just last year in 2016 the Chicago Cubs baseball team broke a 71 year curse over the city by winning the World Series. *Google 'curse of the Billy Goat' for more clarity.*
When curses break, blessings flow! Things are about to get real interesting for Chicago. Watching with both eyes wide open.