AnthonyOfBoston #conspiracy
Here is a remote viewing of a Russian document circulating Russian diplomatic channels outlining what they are planning against the United States. It's massive and will cripple the United States permanently
(A comment by OP on his own post that goes on to explain what was “found in said document”):
As we know, the implications involving the threat of western hegemony on our respective national security has led to proposals involving a series of coordinated measures. Over the course of the last decade, our security efforts have met surprising challenges, but have also made incredible strides overcoming many obstacles. For this reason, we continue to assert the necessary resolve. Our liasons have reached out to the appropriate parties and have solidified a mutual understanding of the next steps which need to be taken in order to ensure the security of our respective national interests. Our sacrifices on this matter underscore the magnitude of what is at stake, namely of which is the threat of bad actors encroaching our longstanding soverign territories, along with the uncertainty that follows, both in regards to our interests and existence. These matters cannot be taken lightly, considering the historical struggle of our populace.
Our allies in the pacific and the middle east have already signed off and ratified the accordance. Our liasons are in contact with our latin american partners and will certify the final agreement which will be enacted no earlier than June.