Homosexuality comes from unhappiness within the family and leads to further unhappiness when embraced. It's like a facial defect (such as a cleft palate) which could be corrected with plastic surgery.
I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure you can't remove 'teh gay' surgically.
Gay rights activists complain that society's refusal to accept them as they are and to okay their sexual activities, is the only thing that stops them from being happy.
And they are not wrong, only it has little to do with their sexual behavior and everything to do with their relationships in general. Can you even begin to comprehend the hostility your hateful religion (as well as the other two Abrahamic religions) has generated against gays, and the horrible things they have to endure as a result? But then, you think it's all justified, don't you?
But this is a foolish falsehood. Within the "gay community", the murder rate is high, The murder rate is 15 times higher among homosexuals than heterosexuals.
Lying for Jesus is still a lie, fucker. Remember that.
and even in "gay enclaves" like Provincetown, Massachusetts where there is no societal disapproval at all the rates for depression, suicide,
a) Learn how to capitalize and punctuate.
b) Learn how to finish a sentence.
Since homosexuals have greater numbers of partners and breakups, compared with heterosexuals, and since longterm gay male relationships are rarely monagamous, it is hardly surprising if suicide attempts are proportionally greater.
Wrong again, bro. There are many gays (of both sexes) who have been in relationships of ten years or more, which I think we can all agree qualifies as a long term relationship.
While I'm at it, I think now is a wonderful time to employ a little logic. If all gays care about is sex and they rarely have long-term relationships, then why is the right to marry so important to them? If they don't want to be together long term, then why commit?
drug abuse, etc. are much higher than normal.
How many fucking times do we have to ask for a citation before one of you demented fuckwits actually develops the desire to do the research and find factual data to back up your ridiculous assertions? Of course, when you're aware that you're pulling 'information' out of your ass...
Homosexuality is not a normal way of being.
According to you and your bigoted religion.
It was not created or intended by God.
Does the bible not claim he created everything? I find it humorous (in an ironic, pathetic way, mind you) that your god keeps you all at arm's length because he so despises his 'creations', yet you have the unmitigated arrogance to imply that you know his intentions.
It is a sin
Says you. Did christ's sacrifice on the cross not take away the sins of the world? Did this event not establish a new world order that rendered old testament law void? It's called logic. Jesus' martyrdom either took sin away or it didn't. Does the term 'new covenant' mean nothing to you? I'll explain:
The forging of a 'new' covenant means that the 'old (testament)' covenant is no longer the law. It is in the past. Null and void like a bad check. Unless you're implying that Jesus only died to erase certain sins or that he succeeded in erasing none at all...?
and a mental illness
Again, citation needed.
Feel free to come to me if in the future you need further exposure to logic and common sense. You're welcome.