MetaphysicalMeagan #crackpot #quack

30 seconds of sunlight on your butthole is the equivalent of a full day of sunlight with your clothes on!

Taught by @ra_of_earth & @certifiedhealthnut (This is an ancient Taoist practice that’s been around for a while!)

Things I’ve noticed personally In my reality since I’ve implemented this:

* Surges of energy almost immediately!
* Better Sleep
* Better connection to my Sexual energy & control of my Life Force
* So much Creativity flowing through my life!!
* Attracting my desires & intentions with ease
* Attracting soul tribe & people who are on the same frequency and wavelength as me.

I’m spending a maximum of five minutes in the morning doing this. @ra_of_earth teaches that 30 seconds is more than enough sunlight exposure down there!

This is truly more energising than slamming cups of coffee and is a great alternative to consuming neurotoxic coffee & caffeine that can disrupt your adrenal gland health.

This is such a simple game changing practice!!

Try it out & let me know your experience. You can do this any time the sun is out… I prefer early in the morning!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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