We need to start a new kind of "Secular Missionary Work" for a lack of a better term. There needs to be people who will travel about or whatever teaching people how to cope with stuff.
There needs to be a bunch of people who can....
* Teach groups not to fall for authoritarians when there is a crisis, for people to control their fears. France today comes to mind. You have otherwise sane French folks accepting Far-Right nutsos due to fears about IslamoFascist attacks (while erroneously sucking normal nice Muslims into that category). Same with here in the states. People need to be taught not to fall for fear, to not seek scapegoats & to not let bad apples spoil the bunch.
* Teach people comprehensive sex-ed in areas where it's forbidden in schools.
* Teach ethical behavior & mindsets and help people think in shades of grey.
* Provide voices to counter all the misinformation & bad thinking out there.
I know the reactionaries have most of the bucks but where there's a will there's a way. Accomplish much with less money. If a bunch of young amateur filmmakers in 1998-99 can create a chilling horror blockbuster that made over $240 million with just a budget of $25 thousand, then Progressives can do much with less resources.
The first thing to do is to get people to vote. Most young Americans are quite Progressive. Unfortunately, they mostly don't vote.
True, The Democratic Party is very wishy-washy but it's the only viable option, right now. We need to be Pragmatic and quit waiting for a Lefty candidate that'll never come!
It's better to vote for the lesser evil. Over time, the politics will slowly change, making it more possible for Left-leaning candidate to run.
Better a nation run by Dems who are somewhat sane and capable of doing good things that a country run by a bunch of Theofascist nutsos!
For the time being, we need to settle for "Less-Than-Ideal". Over time, the door will open for the "Ideal".
We need to emphasize Courage, Empathy, Kindness, Shades of Grey Thinking & Pragmatism.
Things will change for the better. This worldwide surge of reactionary thinking is likely the "Last Hurrah" before it dies. It's proof that Progressivism works & is winning! Why else would there be such a backlash?
I believe in the concept of "World Ages". Concepts like The Yuga Cycle, The Platonic Year, Star Ages (like 'The Age of Aquarius'), The Mayan Long Count, etc. A new age will often be a time of chaos, the forces of Old will briefly rise but the triumph is an illusion. The Old will then implode.
The Future is Progressive, humanity will...and has been....slowly waking up. Look at today's world vs. a few hundred years ago....Nuff Said....