The Democrat Hillary Clinton majorly flinches when a woman threw a shoe at her. The Republican George W. Bush didn't flinch when a shoe was thrown at him! Hillary is not fit to be in the Oval Office in 2017!
The Republican George W. Bush didn't flinch when a shoe was thrown at him!
Well, that's just an outright fucking lie.
"The Republican George W. Bush didn't flinch when a shoe was thrown at him!"
Uh-huh, and Elvis never did no drugs.
I am trying to figure out the point of this. Is "Conservative" saying if Hillary gets into office, there will be some inevitable point where she is in the war room somebody will throw a shoe at her and her wacky over the top response will end up having her hit the big red button launching all the nukes? (Apparently in Conservative's mind Hillary will be played by Peter Sellers)
And Creedence Leonore Gielgud nails it right from the start, better than a shoe-wielding Terminator could, thus 'Terminating' Cuntservative's argument.
(*In an outrageous Austrian accent *):
'Fuck you, asshole. ' [/Arnie] >:D
@ Doubting Thomas
Unfortunately, the OP didn't come up with this on his own. This has been the talking point of a number of right-wing hate-talk hosts regarding the shoe incident. OP is just parroting his leaders, like a good Republican.
Let Dumbya paint--he can't harm anyone that way.
Throwing a shoe is simply untoward behavior. Aside from that...
Hillary Rodham Clinton is from New York, and shares no initials with her state.
Martin O'Malley has 2 shared initials with Maryland.
@Pink Jackboots
You know who else didn't flinch when he was attacked? Abraham Lincoln.
Didn't see that one coming...
Ahh. I had been wondering how USA chooses their presidents but this clears it up.
Should be a regular event; see who just takes one in the face, see who doesn't even notice shoes being thrown, see how many shoes must be thrown to get a reaction, try brogans, sandals, pumps, stilettos...
I'll vote for whomsoever catches one and throws it back in the thrower's face.
Flinch, hell, he hid behind the podium! And rightfully so, I might add, we know it's a shoe now, but as it's hurtling towards you, God only knows what it could be. Just the same though, what news report were you watching? And that's your criteria for a president, someone who is so disconnected from reality that someone hurls something at them, and they don't react?
Really, is this how we should choose our presidential candidates, throw shoes at them and the one who flinches the least is who we should vote for? Bush flinched twice so, clearly, he was never fit to be president.
Honestly, if you don't flinch when a shoe is thrown at your head you have a really slow reaction time.
The user "Conservative" is a Schlafly-fellating troll, liar, and basic scum of the internet.
He's basically what happens when you mix Alex Jones & 4chan. *shudder*
It must suck for Conservative to discover the technology of recording live events on video for later reuse. Even more shocked to see the old Flincher In Chief, Bumblefuck himself, George W. Bush.
No sire, the pope never shits in the woods!
Totally random and off-topic, but the quote reminded me of it: One time when my mom was visiting my aunt, she went to her crazy Pentacostal church. Someone threw a shoe, apparently because they were in one of the manic frenzies that people have at those churches, and it hit my mom in the back of the head.
This gives the US a great way to choose a president: just line the candidates up and throw a shoe at them and see who flinches least. We can eliminate all that campaigning BS, all those silly questions about foreign policy and the economy and worries about campaign financing. All we need is a few shoes. Maybe we can invite Andy Pettitte to do the official throwing and put the rights to supply the official shoes up for bid to help with the budget deficit.
The usual historical revisionism from Conservapedia is bad enough, but when they try to rewrite events from only a few years ago and for which we have ample photographic and video evidence it gets downright embarrassing
@shy :
Did your mom flinch? And will she run for president? ;-)
During my military service, I was taught to duck in case of incoming objects. I guess US army does the same.
Is having proper military reflexes(be they natural or taught) a no-go for being a president?
When I see things like this i do suspect they know W ducked, but what happened doesn't count, the legend is being built, in a few years 5% of the population will think W caught it in mid air and beaned the thrower in the forehead with it.
Just like almost 20% now think:
There were WMDs
The Berlin wall was taken down because Raegen told them to do it.
About 50 other Raegan rewrites.
Sarah Palin is only called stupid because she's Christian.
Clavin Bundy can use property that's not his.
FoxNews is the only voice of reason.
The news medias dominated by liberal advocates.
Theocracies are better than Democracys.
and hundreds of other completely mindstaggerling stupid beliefs.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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