Constitutional Nobody #conspiracy #racist

[From "Antichrist Trump is a Descendant of the King of Jerusalem"]

This video from Brother James is 6 years old but it explains the lineage of Trump’s bloodline and how he and his family are connected to the old king of Jerusalem. Now it makes sense why the Jews officially crowned him as the King of Jerusalem on July 10, 2023. Many Rabbis consider Trump to be from King Davids lineage so look out, the Antichrist is here and he’s almost ready for center stage! I don’t believe there will be any election in the USA in 2024. More on that later

Antichrist Trump Descendant of King of Jerusalem

Here is Trump from 2019 saying he’s like the “second coming of God” to Israel based on recognizing Jerusalem as the capital etc. Look for that statement around the 2:25 mark of the video below

Trump: I'm the King of the Jews

Finally here is the full length video of Trump’s speech and his being presented with the crown of Jerusalem. The speech begins around the 19 minute mark and Trump is presented with the crown at the 47 minute mark. Yes I watch these things so you don’t have to do so!

President Trump Hosts Israel Heritage Foundation Gala



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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