Bullshit, anyone who willingly denies thier own evolution ia not sane, therefore, neither are you.
@All vegetarians.
I stand by my barbarianism, and I'll add, I bet you taste amazing.
So shy was responding to a fundie who was doing the whole "Anyone who eats meat is a monster" garbage, and he happened to mention that he was a vegetarian, and that he hated people who say such things.
Krogdor responded to that comment with this.
Edit: Thanks for that. Fixed.
You feel like a troll [...] Not sure if I should poke you with a stick or hit you with a hammer...
If it looks, walks & quacks like one, I say wield Mjolnir.
Roast Troll. Troll pate. Two-dimensional Troll...! >:D
@Christian Anon
Shy, for future reference, is very male and very fabulous.
I dunno, I've heard that troll is both rubbery and rather gamey. Granted, I DO like tough meat.
Side note, since this is obviously a troll (and kind of a funny one, to be frank, though shy isn't someone I would consider deserving of trolling), it's as good a place as any to rant about a pet peeve:
People throw around the words 'insane' and 'mentally ill' too often in regards to people who believe differently than them. "People who refuse to believe in God are insane!" "People who believe in sky daddies are mentally ill and should be institutionalized," etc.
People's feelings being hurt by this isn't even the issue - this kinda shit just isn't healthy for the person DOING it. It's bad thinking, not quite as bad as dehumanizing your opponents, but close. Believing yourself to be the only sane person in the room while everyone who is different from you MUST be mentally ill... well, it retards personal growth and is the path towards becoming an SJW/Anti-SJW.
You say that now.......
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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