David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
That's right, Madalyn O'Hair was NOT an atheist! Shocked? An atheist by definition is: Someone who denies the existence of God. From O'Hair's own statements, it is clear that she DID believe in God, very much so, and she hated Him with a passion...
"We find God to be sadistic, brutal and a representation of hatred."
SOURCE: THE ATHEIST, by Bryan F. LeBeau, pg. 85 (a response from the self-announced "Maryland Atheist" to a Life magazine editorial)
You can't express utter contempt for a God Who doesn't exist. Madalyn O'Hair hated God and the Bible. It's irrefutable evidence against any professed "atheist" who curses in God's name, talks about how much they hate God, and spends their life attacking a Person that allegedly "doesn't exist." No one hates God as much as professed "atheists." Madalyn Murray O'Hair was no atheist. Her very hatred for God manifested her belief in God. Madalyn O'Hair was consumed with hatred and anger against a God that she claimed didn't exist.
"Mad Madalyn" lived out her professed atheism. No atheist should be ashamed of her and her profane life and words, for she was the epitome of every professed "atheist." She lived a reckless life of self-indulgence, wickedness and rebellion against the God of the Bible. No one curses God more than professed atheists. Truthfully, there is NO such thing as a genuine atheist, only wannabes, i.e., people who prefer to live as if there is no God in their unrepentant minds.
Ultimately, O'Hair's bad company brought her own tragic demise and that of her precious family...
"The dismembered bodies of Madalyn Murray O’Hair, Jon Murray and Robin Murray were found in January of 2000 in Camp Wood, Texas. One of the killers, David Waters, led the authorities to the site in return for a guarantee he would serve his time in a Federal rather than in a Texas state prison. He died of prison of liver decease in 2003. A second killer was sentenced to live in prison."
SOURCE: http://www.wjmurray.com
Madalyn liked hiring unrepentant, convicted felons — disobedient, lawless, reprobate persons — and one of them ending up stealing $54,000 from her and killing her. Her Mercedes, her mansion, and her fine liquor took her down that Highway to Hell way that so many people foolishly choose to go down.
Madalyn Murray O'Hair is America!