Just when I think a liberal can't say anything more stupid - they out-do themselves.
Yeah, well, the same can be said about religious zealots or conservative blow-hards as this site can attest to in spades.
I don't recognize the homosexual race or the homosexual religion. So that I guess that makes me "homophobic," huh?
Homosexuals are neither a race or religion so, no, you're not a homophobe because of those. You might be a homophobe if you have an irrational or unwavering fear and/or hatred towards people who are homosexual. That makes one a homophobe in every sense of the word.
By that same reasoning, I suppose since I abhor Rap "music" and don't celebrate "Kwanza" I'm a racist, too, huh?
No, you're not racist for those reasons. You might be a racist if you have an irrational or unwavering fear and/or hatred towards people who are a different race than your own. Sheesh, how do you people not know this?!
you just can't win with silly unreasoning liberals
Yeah, well, the gulf is just as wide looking at it from the other side too. You just can't win with self-righteous, arrogant, unreasoning religious zealots and conservative blow-hards. See how easy it was to turn that around and it still holds true? Does the term "shiny mirror" mean anything to you?!
It is perfectly okay for them to publicly foam at the mouth when the name Jesus is uttered in a public place - but if someone calls a homo a homo that breaks all the rules.
From my perspective, both sides need to grow up a little and develop thicker skins. You know, shrug off some criticism instead of letting it get the better of one's self and stirring up one's emotions to the point of irrationality.
If someone says homosexuality is taboo - then that someone is hateful.
Yes, there are those who will pounce at once on someone who states their belief that homosexuality is wrong. So F'ing what?! You still have the choice and, more importantly, the freedom to say that if that's what you believe. The consequences of free speech are that you may have to deal with some backlash if what you're saying is considered outrageous. That's not a liberal/conservative, Democrat/Republican thing; that's just human nature.
No people who ever lived practice hate more openly or with more fervor than liberals. They are right up there at the top with the Taliban. (Only liberals are directly responsible for far more deaths than the Taliban.)
See, now those statements are outrageous and you will get backlash for them. But in the big picture, don't you realize your attitude towards the "other" side is the reason why the gulf is so large and hard to bridge between the two parties?!