Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
Donald Trump is a long time illuminati member.
His position as to date has been totally scripted. His acting role is the "anti-establishment businessman who can make america great again".
As you know the illuminati is deep into the occult. Maybe you've seen the "Illuminati card game"
Study the cards, you will see one that has good resembalance to trump.
The plan is to basically throw Trump in, make him say all the right things, have the public like him. (You see his poll results 1st overall) Whilst also having the media attack him, giving him the image of "anti establishment".
This will further the delusion.
You've seen it since the first debate where they basically made the entire show about Trump. Now by constantly attacking him he has been given more airtime than any other contender and has basically become the "star" of the entire political race.
Now the next stage of the "play". Will to be to "steal" the nomination from Trump.
Basically what we will witness is Trump losing at the convention to some establishment pick. Perhaps Ted Cruz, Kasich or another.
This will create mass hysteria, when the public realize they never really had any choice in choosing their president.
The nomination (and even eventual presidency) is chosen behind closed doors by large corporation owners.
Trumps loss will then incite riots, starting small but will grow to have 10's of thousands participating.
The plan is to create an all out remake of the civil war.
With white Trump Supporters pinned against Blacks and the BLM groups, Hispanics, Muslims, refugees and liberals, "anti business", "anti white supremacy" groups.
After causing much damage, fighting, more cities basically turned to third world status, Obama will swipe in as the saviour to declare Marital Law to regain control of the country and implement the "Rule of Law".
This will suspend elections, and implement a new level to the police state, with imposed curfews and many other new laws and restrictions for regular citizens. Surveillance will be ramped up in a major way, with all major roadways and streets being fully monitored via cameras, and with advanced facial recognition technology.
Military and police will work together to take care of any rioters or people who question or protest the new police state.
The endgame is to eventually for the elite to escape down to their bunkers, which have been and are continually being built for the ultra rich. Then a total destruction will devastate the planet, a world bombing on a mass scale the world has never witnessed to kill 95-99% of the total world population.
In a few years the elite and their children will emerge from the bunkers and build the New World.
They believe they will have everything they need to rebuild. They will have massive underground seedbanks, plantations and robotics and expect to emerge and replant the world and refill the world with trees and plants.
They will then, with a massively reduced world population, enjoy everything the world has to offer with only a small percentage of the world they have to share it with.