
Anarcho-Druidism #moonbat #sexist #conspiracy #fundie anarcho-druidism.tumblr.com

Stop with the Pelosi worship. She has been supportive of every horrible thing Trump has done, plus the imperialist racist policy of Obama and Bush. She’s been in power since forever and has only used it for evil. Just now is she using dramatic theatrics to pretend to oppose her colleagues who she otherwise endlessly supports.
if an adult temper tantrum is “resistance” then the liberals should say goodbye to any hopes of change

Hillaryisaboss: Eating our own. Sad. ;( Trump and Russia love it ;([.i]

its not the 1950s where you can hide your party’s corruption with Red Scare nonsense.

Not enough Americans are going to fall for this myth that Russia is ready to nuke us whenever we betray the wishes of the political elite. We’ve been warned of a Russian invasion for a hundred years (since the same political parties funded white supremacists who opposed the bolsheviks) and guess what it hasnt happened.