
jagdflieger #fundie belowtopsecret.com

Well antichristsuperstar [pun of username "AnarchistSuperstar"] what would you say to the thousands of people who have reported and seen what they called supernatural events. What would yos say to people who have witnessed what they believe to be miraculous events. What would you say to me who experienced a direct revelation of GOD? Indeed God directly revealed His existence to me. What would you say to me?

apaulo #homophobia belowtopsecret.com

I would like to challenge you, my friends who practice such acts, to review the facts—

78% of all male homosexuals either have or had a sexually transmitted disease. 50% have gonorrhea. Homosexuals are 23 times more likely to contract an STD. 2/3 of all AIDS cases are from homosexual activity. How can you actually care about people knowing this, and then go and say that this is just an “alternative lifestyle?” This practice can bring DEATH into an individual’s life. That isn’t my opinion. That’s medical research.

In San Francisco, the disease rate for homosexuals is 22 times higher than anywhere else on the national Average. Lesbians are 14 times more likely to contract syphilis. 4 times more likely to have scabies, and have 3 times the risk for breast cancer. Less than 3% are over the age of 55, and only 1% die of natural causes. (old age) National Average is 42. Average death rate among ALL practicing homosexuals is 50% of the national population.

One writer calls it “biological suicide” since the rectum was not designed to handle sexual activity. During such anal friction the wall is ultimately torn and bruised giving sperm and germs direct access to the blood stream. Since the anal wall is only one cell thick sperm quickly penetrates the wall causing massive immunological damage to the bodies T and B cell defense system. This does not occur during vaginal intercourse because of the multi-layer construction of the vagina.

This is NOT an alternative life style— this is DEATH. Logically, historically, and medically this alternative sexual CHOICE is proven to be destructive. It is not an alternative. WHY?? cause is dangerous! AND it can not cause reproduction, and that is what sex is for, not JUST for fun. This goes without mentioning that most relationships do not last

Historically, I challenge you to look into any civilization that accepted homosexuality as a normal practice. It was just before their demise. This is true NOT just from a Biblical viewpoint. It is true from a HISTORICAL viewpoint.

Another thing, I am not homophobic any more than I am forniphobic. (Fear of people who practice heterosexual acts outside of a marriage covenant.) Fornication is wrong, but I see it as being just as wrong as homosexuality. I don’t hate or look down on homosexuals. I just want them to know the facts, and to know that freedom is available.

I used to be a PRISONER to fornication. If you feel like a prisoner to homosexuality, you can be made free. Follow the link for more information.

ortion #conspiracy belowtopsecret.com

[On the Zombie Survival Guide]

I have the book also, and was quite surprised when i read it. It is my beleif (apologies for bas spelling) that governments are covering the truth about certain viral experimentation up, more so that there have been outbreaks of solanum in the past.

I think the book was labeled as "humourous writing" merely to get it published, its a tactic used by governments to discredit an authors work. If the public dont take it seriously then civil order will be kept, on the other hand if you've got a country of panicing people running aobut destroying staircases and blowing people's heads off (which could well be a justification for murder) then you've got a problem. Documentaries have been mislabeled "Mockumentaries" in order to discredit them and to keep "national secuirty" stable. PErsonally i think its just those with power not wanting to loose it.

As the governments carefully monitor all information in either the internet and or the libraries, it makes sence that we wouldn't be able to find anything using low level searches like google.

MYself, i am drawing plans of my local school, looking up the best route there, gathering supply list's, writing my own protocols, all in the event of viral outbreak, i am secure for a class 1,2 and maybe 3 outbreak. It sounds quite paranoid because i keep telling myself "no it cant be serious" then i read the book and some of the stories and look at the detection section and ive seen instances of covered-up outbreaks, like "mad-cow" disease and the parisian riots.

At the very least, if it is simply a 'piece of humourous writing' ill be prepared for a human outbreak, or its just a bit of fun, never know when you might need a good hiding place if things get rough. And if its real then we are all going to miss the good old days, when people were killed by other people.