eugene #conspiracy
"Guy" as women's accessory/fashion designer = the emasculated male priests of Kybele.
Galloi = "gay loy"
5 x 33 = 165
191 - 165 = 26
26 = Kingdom of Iron
Iron as 26th element
I = 10
H = 5
V = 6
H = 5
"I have begotten a man (Qaheen) who is full grown IHVH."
Obummer misspelled OHIO as OIHO.
The inversion of HI as IH is the name game of..
Abram becomes Abra (H) am = he gets a "window" in his middle, ie he is now she.
Sara(I) becomes Sara(H) = she gets her (I) hand/yod to also become a (H) window, ie she is now a he.
Such is the cross eyed game of the prince of princess.
The name game of Abraham and Sarah happen when they are 90 (she) and 100 (he) = 190 / 191.
191 are the two towers with "9" in the middle. Nine is the pregnancy of the twin pillars see Monkey Bizness 191.
The three shepherds of Zechariah 11, ie where the 30 pieces of silver and the door of Judas are found, lays out the triple destruction of the three shepherds. They are Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Why? The worthlessness of their arms. They have reached the distance 191 .. the 43rd prime. During the tenure of the 43 .. the twin pillar incident occurred.
Here is Crowley's 43 - Mulberry Tops:
??F??? ?G
Black blood upon the altar! and the rustle of angel wings above!
Black blood of the sweet fruit, the bruised, the violated bloom—that setteth The Wheel a-spinning in the spire.
Death is the veil of Life, and Life of Death; for both are Gods.
This is that which is written: “A feast for Life, and a greater feast for Death!” in THE BOOK OF THE LAW.
The blood is the life of the individual: offer then blood!
The title of this chapter refers to a Hebrew legend, that of the prophet who heard “a going in the mulberry tops”; and to Browning’s phrase, “a bruised, black-blooded mulberry”.
In the World’s Tragedy, Household Gods, The Scorpion, and also The God-Eater, the reader may study the efficacy of rape, and the sacrifice of blood, as magical formulae. Blood and virginity have always been the most acceptable offerings to all the gods, but especially the Christian God.
In the last paragraph, the reason of this is explained; it is because such sacrifices come under the Great Law of the Rosy Cross, the giving-up of the individuality, as has been explained as nauseam in previous chapters. We shall frequently recur to this subject.
By “the wheel spinning in the spire” is meant the manifestation of magical force, the spermatozoon in the conical phallus. For wheels, see Chapter 78.
In reading the notes .. you can see why Akin's "legitimate rape" has been running the loop, and how "giving up of individuality" was the result of the "wheel spinning in the spire" as the Patriot Act, the War-on-Terra all stemming from the collapse of the spire of 11 and 9 bomb in the middle.
I divined the OPLE LOPE POLE from the watermark egg of the Ten (read hand/yod) Dollar bill released with the passage of the Patriot Act. Patriot Act is "manifestation of magical force, the spermatozoon in the conical phallus."