
Edo Nyland #crackpot #conspiracy faculty.ucr.edu

[Note: The original formatting and paragraph breaks have been lightly edited for readability. Several additional “examples” from elsewhere on Nyland’s site have also been added; see link. –shy]

Edo Nyland maintains that there never were any Indo-Europeans, there was no proto-Indo-European language and the family of Indo-European languages is a long perpetuated inaccuracy. It an academic fraud because the truth has long been known to a select group of religious scholars, who have kept this knowledge secret, as was done in the past millennia. [...]


Other manipulated languages are German, Latin, Greek, Russian, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Hungarian, Japanese etc. etc. Our English etymological dictionaries do no justice to the tremendous language creation efforts of the Benedictine clergy and their grammarians. Almost every English word existing at the time of Shakespeare, was invented by these marvelous linguists. [...] The language used in this enormous effort was Saharan, once the universal language of continental Europe and Britain, but now best represented by the Basque Language. The grammarians, who were professional linguists, worked for almost one millennium with the Benedictines. They came primarily from Liguria, located in Northern Italy and the Alps. Their Ligurian language was, as far as can be determined, identical to Basque. The method of new word construction used by them was generally done with the vowel-interlocking (Ogam) formula, which utilized the first three letters (VCV) of each Saharan word in the description. The VCV's which were then agglutinated, always had to have their vowels interlocked. To make the product pronounceable, several vowels were removed and one or more h's, if present. The system is best illustrated with a couple of simple examples.

ibe - egi - ino
ibeni - egindura - inor
to start - the action - someone
"Someone start the action."

ado - ogu
adoretsu - oguzi
brave - speaks out loud
"Brave and speaks out loud."

odo - oke - eto - ora
odoldun - okerkeria - etorri - orain
bloody - injury - to come – quickly
"A bloody injury, come quickly."

eja - aku - ule - ete
eia - akuilatu - uletsu - etendura
"to come on, keep on" - "to stimulate" - "hairy" - "crack"
"Keep on stimulating the hairy crack."

afa - ari - ika
afa - arinari eman - ikaradura
happy - to escape – tragedy
"We are happy to have escaped the tragedy."

It is clear from these and hundreds of other examples, that The English language is an invented language.