
Michael Tsarion #conspiracy #crackpot #magick femaleilluminati.com

In my program The Female Illuminati I prove that the Knights Templar served as one of the main tentacles of the Sisterhood of Death. I show how the order is tied in with the Egyptian Atonists and Gaonim, and how via the Culdean monks of Ireland they gained access to the troves of wisdom confiscated from the Druids and Bards of the prehistoric West. Their peculiar appearance, long hair, bizarre traditions and suggestive symbolism leads us to the door of the more sinister orders operating behind them, ensconced in Britain a thousand years before the rise of the Templars.

Of course nothing remains static for long in the world of ordinary populations or of secret societies. There have been minor and major disputes, feuds and upheavals on all levels, not to mention short and long-term rivalries between individual members and entire branches of certain shadowy orders. Some internecine squabbles and conflicts become known publicly, while others occur unseen by ordinary people going about their business. Some investigators have written exceptional books on these events to show how the activities of secret societies impact and shape world history. I provide a short list below of suggested titles on the history and rivalries of the Knights Templar, the most malignant and powerful secret society of modern history.