
Anonymous #conspiracy firstlightforum.wordpress.com

Any and all types of currency are totally controlled by Jews —

The only thing a real patriot should be extolling is a constitutional return to currency printed by Congress ..the Federal Reserve loans us the money they make for us at interest — This type of currency whether fiat or excessive abuse by Jews is monumentally destructive to the USA economy, which is now dead from the USA dollar being dumped by nations at a fast rate and is only backed by petro/ euro oil shenanigans — The dollar is dead — The Jews painted us into a corner with the dollar in their control, as they squeezed out profits and power they removed our financial stability —

Kennedy circulated congressional mint U.S. notes that were silver backed — The illusion is that silver or metals have value, and so the paper judenfetzen is so valued “in theory only” — The pathway of U.S. money valuation is a murky untraceable journey to Tel Aviv — Many other “valuation” mediums have been exploited for the sake of credit and to keep the dollar functional — The shitkikes don’t even want their USA welfare billions in dollars any more; and they whined that they wanted it in euros — It makes me realize that I have to study this a lot more, as it is presently relevant in our lives —

Aquiline nosed Caucasian/Khazar Jew Maurice Templesman became the Jewess Jackie Kennedy’s lover and private financier after the Jews killed JFK—Jews marry their women to prominent Gentile politicians to claim their children as their own—children of a Jewish mother are Jews forever according to the Jews’ sacred literature

When the shitkikes deluded the Congress to sign a 100 year Federal Reserve charter in 1913, they were also promising to use their “own” gold to back American currency. Gold standards and pricing has always been the Jews’ and kings’ passion to keep it high and stable — One of the oldest civilisations known to man, the Sumerians of Mesopotamia, who lived in what is modern-day Iran and Iraq, first used gold as sacred, ornamental, and decorative instruments in the fifth millennium B.C.


Caucasian/Khazar Jews have infiltrated all levels of US federal government and will shortly precipitate total sovietization of America to facilitate the Jews’ plot to loot the country of the last of the privately held wealth in Gentile hands

We have a deteriorating financial system set up to enrich a few very wealthy Jews and screw everyone else.

They loan us money that doesn’t even exist as backed by anything but chutzpah and charge the USA interest on it just the same as minted Judefetzen — any fiat cash is bad — all fiat cash is detrimental — Hitler money was backed by labor at first and later trade — that is putting it mildly — and the financial civil workers who enriched Germany with new found prosperity are the most unsung heroes of the Reich — This system spread to Austria; and Germany was able to help Poland and Czechoslovakia’s economies as well as a preventive measure against communists and the Jewish banking that always seems to be present in communist countries and nations under ZOG occupation.

How can a price of metal go from $20-30 to $1600 — the product doesn’t become more valuable, but the price of the said commodity just goes up from manipulation — We all know here that Jews and banking are the curse of modern day economies, as Jews make all the rules and devastate all manor of industry to buy it cheap or run it into the ground and bankrupt it, so they can get rid of the unions and whites, and hire Indian and immigrant workers for less etc —

I’m only saying folks that if Hitler used fiat currency, it was still backed by labor and a promise of labor — This is how unemployment was literally destroyed by the new method — They did have one point where, after WW1, the Germans were burning marks by the millions for warmth — I don’t remember exactly, but it was nuts, like 30-40 million marks to a dollar — the way Hitler improved Germany is a mandatory subject for study, just as much if not more than how Jews use money swindles to fuck everyone over.

Anonymous #racist firstlightforum.wordpress.com

The ‘scientific’ theory of natural selection and evolution that’s taught in the highest secular institutions of education tells us that blacks are closer to apes than other people; and it’s easy to see by their racial attributes and lack of decent morality that blacks are indeed base people. But it’s more likely that blacks look and behave more like apes than other people not because they’re the oldest ascendants of the apes, but because they were historically judged by God, because they had a common ancestral tribe that had offended him by literally fornicating with apes in the jungles of Africa in ancient times.

Likewise it has been argued that the beady-eyed, sloped cranium, snozzle-nosed, rat-like Caucasian/Khazar Jews are closer to the so-called sub-species of humans called “Neanderthals” than the people of other races, because of their physical appearance and base disposition and moral attributes. But that can’t be right either, because lots of Jews don’t look anything like the Caucasian and Khazar Jews, especially the olive-skinned Middle Eastern Israelis who’re often ignored by White supremacists and fairly numerous in Israel and doubtless the true tribal Israelis mentioned in the Bible.

Typical Caucasian/ Khazar Jews who’re truly a despicable breed of reprobate subversive creeps with some of the so-called “Neanderthal” features —


On the other hand, here’s some typical Middle Eastern true tribal Israelis who’re largely ignored by neo-Nazi racial supremacist haters of the biblical Middle Eastern Jesus, born in Judea —


Obviously the true tribal Israelis are of Middle Eastern appearance, with light to medium olive skin, usually dark but sometimes reddish/ blonde hair, with a small to medium stature; and hence quite distinct from the often hideously ugly fake Jews of despicable Caucasian/ Khazar ethnicity and appearance

White supremacist haters of the biblical Middle Eastern Jesus would have you believe that there are either no true tribal Israelis in Jewry or that white people are the biblical tribal Israelites in some sort of weird and wonderful way. But there are “Jews who say they are Jews and are not but do lie”; and the Bible also says the Middle Eastern tribal Israelis are still around and that they’ll nationally repent and receive Jesus Christ, when they see him return to Earth in great glory at the consummation of the imminent last great social cataclysm.

Anonymous #racist firstlightforum.wordpress.com

Mad Jewish scientist Ilya Ivanov creates “humanzee” to ‘justify’ the Jews’ belief that goyim are ascendants of the apes


The racial supremacist Jews invented the theory that only Gentiles had evolved from the apes; long before the fool Charles Darwin began to propagate the ludicrous and demeaning idea for all of humanity. So it’s not surprising to find that mad Jewish scientists in the Jews’ soviet of the USSR were soon busy in their laboratories trying to ‘prove it’ by creating Gentiles out of apes. Especially since we know the rat-like Caucasian/Khazar Jews in Stalin’s soviet were left free to perform all sorts of other horrible and vindictive experiments on their Christian and Gentile enemies.
Typical Khazar Jew, obviously given his horrible racial features as a judgment from God, because of his race's propensity for committing rat-like crimes against the goyim

Typical Khazar Jew, obviously given his horrible racial features as a judgment from God, because of his race’s propensity for committing rat-like crimes against the goyim

God alone knows all the horrible experiments the callous and cruel rat-like Khazar Jews meted out on the white European Gentiles and righteous Christians in the Jews’ evil soviet of the USSR. But rest assured that the general idea was to reduce the duped and somewhat stupid Russians, Latvians, and Ukrainians to pitiful wretches, deprived of every vestige and disposition of civilized humanity, so the Jews could ‘justify’ their racial supremacist belief that all Gentiles are merely goyim cattle, created by God to be the servants of Jews and experimented on by the Jews in a wide variety of ways.

Simon Gibson #fundie firstlightforum.wordpress.com

The alter ego of every reprobate Jew is a horrible psychopath of one sort or another

Sure, the Jews put on a mask of self-righteous religious hypocrisy in the name of so-called Judaism, which is, of course, merely a jacked-up version of the now defunct religion of Moses, and used as a front and foil for a school where Jews learn to eradicate Christianity and dominate the goyim, by their corrupt and vindictive business practices. But did you know that many Jews, like Satanists and other reprobate sinners of other races and nations, have also become vindictive, vengeful, and anti-humanitarian, just simply because they know they’ve forfeited the redemption God had for them in the gospel, and will be damned in hell anyway for their crimes after death and Judgement Day?

Understandably the Jews who killed Christ would want to completely eliminate anything to do with Christ or Christianity, just simply to quiet their guilty conscience, if for no other reason. But did you know that the Jews also want to also dominate and largely eliminate the Gentiles in their ideal world under Israel’s antichrist? The idea being that only a few goy slaves will be left to do the hard labor and despised menial work that’s necessary for the Jews to enjoy endless bliss in a tranquil domain, under their vengeful Talmudic Unitarian idol, and where the very mention of the name of the Trinitarian God of Israel’s patriarchs and the Bible is outlawed entirely.

Simon Gibson #fundie firstlightforum.wordpress.com

The Jews have, of course, gained global notoriety for sacrificing babies (and aborted fetuses) to various pagan idols and eating the dried blood of innocent Gentile children and Christians in the matzo. Worse still, the corpses of Gentile children and Christians abused after that fashion have, in more recent times, been callously minced up in meat processing plants that supply popular hamburger outlets, like McDonalds, instead of just tossed behind a bush, in a rubbish bin, or down a well, as the traditional Jewish method of disposal.


In fact some Jews have even sacrilegiously suggested that Jesus Christ was commanding his disciples and all Christians to literally eat his flesh and drink his blood, as a new sort of Passover rite, which is why so many of his Jewish disciples “turned back and walked no more with him” from that time, in the New Testament. A commandment from the Lord that has even been corrupted by apostate Jews to try to justify their condemnation of Jesus Christ and endorse their rite of eating the dried blood of children and Christians in the matzo since that time.

Especially since the Jews know that the Roman Catholic sect in Christendom teaches cannibalism and vampirism, by arguing that the wafer and wine used in the “sacrifice” of the mass are the literal body and blood of the Lord. A patent and ludicrous falsehood, mind you, because the original fleshly body and literal blood of the Lord are, of course, no longer extant; because scripture says the Lord ascended into heaven and is at the right hand of God in a bloodless celestial body of “flesh and bone” only, that’s of course quite different from the one he died in.

Having said all that, the Jews have, of course, also sacrificed babies and eaten their blood in the matzo, more generally, because they’ve inherited the wicked nature of the murderous fallen angel Satan and worshiped idols made in his image, ever since God delivered them to Satan for rejecting and opposing his righteous Son Jesus. An evil tendency no doubt exacerbated by the Jews’ innate desire to punish Gentile babies and Christians in a vindictive and sadistic way, simply because Jews have been jealous of them, ever since they realized Gentiles had come into the good of the blessings of God, by receiving the gospel the Jews rejected in the first century.

Simon Gibson #conspiracy firstlightforum.wordpress.com

If there’s a serious bombing somewhere, you can be sure a Jew is in on it, even if it’s a Jewish building brought down at the time

Did you know that the Boston bombing is being used by Jews as part of their ongoing, complex and sophisticated geopolitical “strategy of tension” worldwide, to precipitate a Jew run FEMA lock-down in America?

Don’t think for a moment that the reprobate Jews need to be the actual perpetrators of a heinous crime, like the Boston bombing, to callously and without conscience of the loss of life use it in support of their evil global takeover agenda. Okay, so we’ve been told that the perps of the Boston marathon bombing were Semitic looking Muslim extremists; but notice how that has suited the Jews’ agenda by further reducing the strength of Muslim protest against the Jews’ control of America, by ostensibly endorsing the Jews’ lies about the 9/11 Mossad op and helping to stereotype all Muslims in the country as unpredictable, decapitating, totalitarian, sharia law fanatics.

Not to mention the fact that it has of course also provided a real incentive for more Americans to throw away their lives and limbs, fighting the Jews’ Muslim enemies in the inane Jew orchestrated wars in the Middle East; and also marvelously forwarded the Jews’ agenda of precipitating the final phase of a Jew run FEMA lock-down in America.

Simon Gibson #conspiracy firstlightforum.wordpress.com

Enemies of the Jews can, of course, be molested and dispatched by sayanim in a whole host of evil ways; but they’re often assassinated by poison, orchestrated car and plane crashes, and by drug overdoses and deliberately botched operations in hospitals. The latter being particularly popular in contemporary times; and certainly consistent with claims that sayanim doctors in Cuba used weaponized cancer to kill the Jews’ hated “antisemitic”, pro-Arab/Iran, Gentile enemy Hugo Chavez.


In fact even the Jews’ duped socialist revolutionary Fidel Castro was the target of vindictive Jew inspired assassination plots, when it looked like he might not be serving the Jews’ interests and was becoming too preoccupied with his own blind aspirations for his country, according to documents declassified and published by the CIA in 2007.