Well now that you mention it, I support Trump’s plan to ban all Muslims from immigrating to the US for the same reason that I think all homosexuals should, at the very least, not be allowed near kids: Because both groups commit crimes at a significantly disproportional rate compared to their actual percentage of society.
[ Mothers kill and abuse their children at a rate much higher than fathers. By op’s logic mothers should have their children taken away directly after birth. ]
You’re not going to outlaw motherhood, it’s an impossibility. But other things can be done, such as outlawing abortion (for most cases) and enforcing severe retribution for child abuse (aka: execution).
The gays, on the other hand, do not make up a significant portion of society. They’re an extreme minority; they can be controlled and their actions criminalized.
it has been known since the time of the bible that sodomites are destructive to society and in recent times sexual liberation culminating in the acceptance of sodomites has contributed greatly to destroying the family unit so it only makes sense to take away their right to have a family, since mere tolerance of them insists on a society that has torn “family” apart until something as insignificant as two sodomites and a child is seen as a fair representation. :3'
[ This woman apparently thinks she’s no longer a religious bigot, but she’s still clearly clinging to her religious right-wing homophobic propaganda like it’s a life raft. ]
You do realize you can have certain political/social views regardless of whether you believe in a god or not, right?
[ Notice the word propaganda? When was the last time leftists tried to convince idiots like you that gay people were a threat to traditional family values?
My point stands. There’s no former to your fundie. You may not believe in God anymore but you’re still clinging to the propaganda. You can look up that word if you need to, I don’t mind waiting. ]
So.. if only one political party is saying something, it’s propaganda and can’t possibly be true. Awesome, that means I can dismiss all the shit the leftists are constantly spewing without a second thought.
Your point most certainly does not stand. I’m a right wing nationalist for sure, but I’m not a religious fundamentalist by definition.