
GachiYellow #homophobia #fundie #conspiracy gachiyellow.wordpress.com

Now let me show you evidence of the NWO actively trying to turn people gay. Gay people didn’t need help to become that way 2,000 years ago and they sure don’t need to be forced to become that way. Why would the NWO want to do that. It’s a variation of eugenics. If a population does not breed it eventually dies. For more information on eugenics see my other blog: Pro abortion = Pro eugenics

So, what can turn people “gay”? Actually In my opinion I don’t think “Gay” or “homosexual” is the right term. This stuff literally turn animals and people into hermaphrodites. Lowering testosterone levels alters males to females. Getting to the point high estrogen levels feminizes males. What is estrogen? The definition of estrogen is:

“any of a group of steroid hormones that promote the development and maintenance of female characteristics of the body. Such hormones are also produced artificially for use in oral contraceptives or to treat menopausal and menstrual disorders.”

How can testosterone be lowered? Well the proper amount can be disrupted with endocrine disruptors. The definition of endocrine disruptor is:

“Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that at certain doses, can interfere with the endocrine in mammals. These disruptions can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, and other developmental disorders. Any system in the body controlled by hormones, can be derailed by hormone disruptors.”

What chemical can be used to do this? BPA. BPA is a Endocrine disruptor.

“Bisphenol A (BPA) is an estrogenic endocrine disruptor widely used in the production of plastics. Increasing evidence indicates that in utero BPA exposure affects sexual differentiation and behavior…We hypothesized that BPA may disrupt epigenetic programming of gene expression in the brain…BPA exposure induced persistent, largely sex-specific effects on social and anxiety-like behavior, leading to disruption of sexually dimorphic behaviors.”


“If a mother is ingesting BPA while carrying her fetus sex-related genes are turned on and off in response to fluctuating levels of hormones in the womb. Although a child may become male in the womb the fetus is being bathed in estrogen [Blogger comment: This could lead to the male having a female brain] and subsequently nursed on BPA bottles which consistently causes estrogen to metabolize in the infant’s body. Is this what is causing male children to gravitate toward the nature of a female?”


Below is proof that Gay people are used as a weapon by the elite. LBGT folks should be in a uproar about this. The NWO wants to use your cause to promote their sick evil eugenics program.

“Air Force Considered Gay ‘Love Bomb’ Against Enemies

The Air Force on Tuesday confirmed a report that in 1994 a military researcher requested $7.5 million to develop a non-lethal “love bomb” that would chemically alter the state of mind of enemy troops and make them want to have sex with each other rather than fight.”


There are multiple chemicals that are endocrine disruptors. I don’t know them all but I wanted to highlight BPA because this stuff is used in making things we eat and drink out of.

“BPA is used to make certain plastics and epoxy resins; it has been in commercial use since 1957 and around 3.6 million tons (8 billion pounds) of BPA are used by manufacturers yearly. BPA-based plastic is clear and tough, and is used to make a variety of common consumer goods (such as baby and water bottles, sports equipment, and CDs and DVDs) and for industrial purposes, like lining water pipes. Epoxy resins containing BPA are used as coatings on the inside of many food and beverage cans. It is also used in making thermal paper such as that used in sales receipts.”


To use this biological weapon, BPA, on people is so evil! Some of you may be asking why I put this in the religious section. Well for one the gay/straight debate usually ends up as a religious conversation. Also, I’m not posting this to bash LBGT. LBGT folks around the world should be outraged by this. Evil scum is actively trying sexually cripple all of us so we can’t procreate as God intended. LBGT don’t let the NWO use your platform as a base for one of their eugenic programs. Speak out against this.